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使用 ActiveModel Serializer 生成嵌套响应时的最佳实践

[英]Best practice when using ActiveModel Serializer to generate nested responses

Is this the only way to generate a response that has nested keys?这是生成具有嵌套键的响应的唯一方法吗?

module Api
  module V20150315
    class ProductConfigurationSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
      delegate :cache_key, to: :object

      embed :ids, include: true

      attributes :id, :short_code, :rank

      has_many :delivery_product_configurations,
        serializer: Api::V20150315::DeliveryProductConfigurationSerializer


The has_many is a serializer which itself calls another serializer. has_many是一个序列化器,它本身调用另一个序列化器。 Is the best way to do this right?这样做的最佳方法是正确的吗?

Are there alternative ways to do this?有没有其他方法可以做到这一点? Is this the most semantic way?这是最语义化的方式吗?

-Jeff -杰夫

This is the correct way as indicated in the documentation .这是文档中指出的正确方法。

You do not need to specify the serializer for the delivery_product_configurations if it already has a serializer defined.如果delivery_product_configurations已经定义了序列化程序,则不需要为它指定序列化程序。 You can refactor thus:您可以这样重构:

attributes :id, :short_code, :rank

has_many :delivery_product_configurations

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