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[英]Phalcon - Asset Management - The collection does not exist in the manager

In my website i have some pages with jquery lightbox and some pages without lightbox, to load the packages i use following in my controller function which loads the package and assign that to the placeholder. 在我的网站上,我有一些带有jquery灯箱的页面和一些没有灯箱的页面,用于加载我在控制器函数中使用的以下软件包,该函数加载该软件包并将其分配给占位符。

public function loadJSLightbox2()

However in my volt main template (master template) i have define the place holders like below, 但是在我的volt主模板(主模板)中,我定义了如下的占位符,

 {{ assets.outputJs('lightboxJs') }}
 {{ assets.outputCss('lightboxCss') }}

this works fine as long we this loadJSlightbox2 functions is called when loading the page. 只要在加载页面时调用此loadJSlightbox2函数,此方法就可以正常工作。 In pages where i dont need to load the plugin (where these two asset are empty) i get error called as below. 在不需要加载插件的页面(这两个资产为空)中,出现如下错误。

Phalcon\\Assets\\Exception: The collection does not exist in the manager Phalcon \\ Assets \\ Exception:该集合在管理器中不存在

How do i archive this optional plugin behavior in with phalcon asset management tools in my web application ? 如何在我的Web应用程序中使用Phalcon资产管理工具来归档此可选插件的行为?

I fixed the issue using following code, 我使用以下代码解决了该问题,

{% for key, collection in assets.getCollections() %}
    {% if key == 'origin' %}
        {{ assets.outputJs('origin') }}
    {% endif %}
    {% if key == 'lightboxJs' %}
        {{ assets.outputJs('lightboxJs') }}
    {% endif %}
    {% if key =='colorboxJs' %}
        {{ assets.outputJs('colorboxJs') }}
    {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

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