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[英]Android: Floating Action Button (fab) with ExpandableListView

Is it possible to use a fab with an ExpandableListView? 是否可以将Fab与ExpandableListView一起使用? I know it is working with ListView, ScrollView and RecyclerView, but with my current library ( Github Link ) it is not possible to attach (fab.attachTo...()) it to an ExpandableListView. 我知道它可以与ListView,ScrollView和RecyclerView一起使用,但是对于我当前的库( Github Link ),无法将其附加(fab.attachTo ...())到ExpandableListView。

Is there any alternative library that supports this, or is it actually possible with my current fab-library? 是否有任何其他支持此功能的库,或者我当前的fab库实际上有可能吗?

I think you can use 我想你可以用

Expand a RecyclerView in Four Steps 通过四个步骤扩展RecyclerView

expandable-recycler-view 展开式回收器视图

with your fab. 与您的晶圆厂。

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