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Visual Studio错误列表窗口在生成中打开

[英]Visual Studio Error List Window Opens on Build

I have this happen with certain projects; 我在某些项目中会发生这种情况; when I build the solution the error list window pops up right away even if there are no errors. 当我构建解决方案时,即使没有错误,也会立即弹出错误列表窗口。 I want the output window to show on build. 我希望输出窗口在构建时显示。 I have these settings 我有这些设定 在此处输入图片说明

I experienced same issue -- in my case narrowed it down to requireReinstallation="true" in my packages.config which had been (automatically?) inserted as a consequence of a retargeting to a newer framework. 我遇到了同样的问题-在我的情况下,将其范围缩小到我的packages.config中的requireReinstallation =“ true”,这是(由于自动重定向)由于重新定位到较新的框架而插入的。 Removal of requireReinstallation="true" attribute returned build output windows to normal. 删除requireReinstallation =“ true”属性可使内部版本输出窗口恢复正常。

Ref. 参考。 "Project Retargeting and Upgrade Build Errors/Warnings" in http://blog.nuget.org/20130814/nuget-2.7-release-candidate.html http://blog.nuget.org/20130814/nuget-2.7-release-candidate.html中的 “项目重新定向和升级构建错误/警告”

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