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[英]How to configure log4j and logback to log into one single file properly?

I have a java web app that uses logback with slf4j for logging. 我有一个Java Web应用程序,它使用slf4j和logback进行日志记录。 And this project has a dependency jar (which is a sub project). 这个项目有一个依赖罐(这是一个子项目)。 And this dependency jar uses org.apache.log4j.Logger for logging. 并且此依赖项jar使用org.apache.log4j.Logger进行日志记录。 All logs must go into one log file. 所有日志必须放入一个日志文件。 My problem is, whatever I am logging with the code in the jar file is not being written to the log file. 我的问题是,无论用jar文件中的代码记录的任何内容均未写入日志文件。 Initially I had logback.xml. 最初我有logback.xml。 To resolve the above problem I added log4j.properties file to my web app. 为了解决上述问题,我将log4j.properties文件添加到了Web应用程序。 It resolved my problem and now I can see all logs in one file. 它解决了我的问题,现在我可以在一个文件中看到所有日志。

Again my new probelm is: Earlier the log file was rolling every day according to the rolling policy in logback.xml. 同样,我的新探针是:早先日志文件是根据logback.xml中的滚动策略每天滚动的。 Now it is not rolling. 现在它没有滚动。 Even after I configured the rolling policy in log4j.properties that matches with the rolling policy that is in logback.xml, rolling is not happening. 即使我在log4j.properties中配置了与logback.xml中的滚动策略匹配的滚动策略,也不会发生滚动。

I don't want to replace log4j in my dependency with logback. 我不想用logback替换依赖项中的log4j。 And also I want to write alll my logs into one file. 我也想将所有日志写入一个文件。 Is it possible to this, how can I resolve my issue? 有可能吗,如何解决我的问题?

FYI: I have "log4j-over-slf4j" dependency included in my pom.xml 仅供参考:我的pom.xml中包含“ log4j-over-slf4j”依赖项

Log4j.properties: Log4j.properties:

log4j.appender.file.rollingPolicy = org.apache.log4j.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy
log4j.appender.file.rollingPolicy.FileNamePattern = SOME_PATH/logs/studentApp.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log    
log4j.appender.file.layout.ConversionPattern=[%-5p] %d %c - %m%n

Assuming your rolling policy is correct, it's possible that log4j picks up the wrong configuration. 假设您的滚动策略正确,则log4j可能选择了错误的配置。 log4j looks for the first configuration file in the classpath (first .xml then .properties ) and if it happens to be the configuration from one of your dependencies your rolling policy will not work. log4j在类路径中查找第一个配置文件(第一个.xml然后是.properties ),如果碰巧是您的某个依赖项中的配置,则滚动策略将不起作用。

To test this you can add a system property -Dlog4j.configuration=... with the path to your configuration to the tomcat startup script. 要对此进行测试,您可以添加系统属性-Dlog4j.configuration=... ,其中包含tomcat启动脚本的配置路径。 Or simply set your log level to TRACE/DEBUG and see if it affects the output. 或者只是将日志级别设置为TRACE / DEBUG,然后查看它是否影响输出。

Edit: your log4j config looks good, but the date pattern is missing. 编辑:您的log4j配置看起来不错,但是缺少日期模式。 Try adding log4j.appender.file.DatePattern='.'yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm (note that I've set the pattern to roll-over every minute, for easier testing) 尝试添加log4j.appender.file.DatePattern='.'yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm (请注意,我已将模式设置为每分钟滚动一次,以便于测试)

Edit : you can remove every line containing rollingPolicy and maxBackupIndex - those will not be picked up in this case 编辑 :您可以删除包含rollingPolicymaxBackupIndex每一行-在这种情况下,这些行将不会被拾取

The following configuration will create a .log file for the current date and keep adding the log in that file. 以下配置将为当前日期创建一个.log文件,并继续在该文件中添加日志。 When the date chanages, it will create a new file with the current date. 当日期改变时,它将使用当前日期创建一个新文件。 This configuration will also zip the files as or when they exceed a certain size limit. 当文件超过一定大小限制时,此配置还将压缩文件。

    <appender name="FILE"
        <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">


                          <timeBasedFileNamingAndTriggeringPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeAndTimeBasedFNATP">
                                <!-- or whenever the file size reaches 500MB -->
            <pattern>%date %level [%thread] %logger{0} - %msg%n</pattern>

Hope it helps. 希望能帮助到你。

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