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Angular JS:根据 id 检索 json 数据

[英]Angular JS: retrieve json data based on id

I have a list of items.我有一个物品清单。 When you click on an item it recognizes its id and takes you to its corresponding page localhost:8000/products/1.当您单击某个项目时,它会识别其 ID 并将您带到其对应的页面 localhost:8000/products/1。

But how do I get the rest of the information just for that one product/item id?但是,如何仅获取该产品/项目 ID 的其余信息?

My json data looks like this...我的json数据看起来像这样......

    "id": "1",
    "title": "Chips",
    "subTitle": "Snack",
    "imgUrl": "chips.png",
    "demoImgUrl": "snacks.png",
    "brandLogoUrl": "somebrand.png"

my productList.js where it successfully shows the list of products我的productList.js成功显示了产品列表

(function() {

  'use strict';

    .component('productList', {
      templateUrl: '/components/productList/productList.html',
      controller: ProductListController

  ProductListController.$inject = ['ProductsService'];

  function ProductsListController(ProductsService) {
    var vm = this;

    vm.products = [];

    // Get the Products data
    ProductService.getData().then(function(response) {
      vm.products = response.data;
    }).catch(function(err) {
      console.error('Error', err);


and my item.js where it should grab the json for that one id和我的item.js ,它应该为那个 id 获取 json

(function() {

  'use strict';

    .controller('itemController', ItemController);

  ItemController.$inject = ['$state', '$stateParams', 'ProductsService'];

  function ItemController($state, $stateParams, ProductsService) {
    var vm = this;

    vm.itemId = $stateParams.itemId;

    // Get the Product data
    ProductsService.getData().then(function(response) {
    }).catch(function(err) {
       console.error('Error', err);


And my html item.html (which does not render title or imgUrl)还有我的 html item.html (不呈现标题或 imgUrl)

  <p>itemId: {{$ctrl.itemId}}</p>
  <img src="{{$ctrl.imgUrl}}" />

I've gotten我得到了

angular.js:13236 ReferenceError: ProductService is not defined angular.js:13236 ReferenceError: ProductService 未定义

So how do I just display the information based on the json data item id?那么如何只显示基于json数据项id的信息呢?

You can use $filter to retrieve desired object based using any property.您可以使用$filter使用任何属性检索所需的对象。 Its syntax is $filter('filter')(vm.products, { Id: 1 }) .它的语法是$filter('filter')(vm.products, { Id: 1 }) vm.products is the data nothing but list of objects and it will return list of all objects which has Id 1. vm.products只是对象列表的数据,它将返回所有 Id 为 1 的对象的列表。

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