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[英]Crossing an altitude in Python

I am trying to run a Python script that calculates the trajectory of an object from the ground up above 100,000-meters then back below 100,000-meters. 我正在尝试运行一个Python脚本,该脚本从地面开始计算对象的轨迹,高于100,000米,然后返回至100,000米以下。 I want to be able to figure out how much time is spent above 100,000-meters. 我想知道在100,000米以上要花费多少时间。 I have my trajectory code just fine (Runge-Kutta), and I can get up to 100,000-meters. 我的轨迹代码很好(Runge-Kutta),并且可以达到100,000米。 However, I cannot figure out the right Python algorithm to keep going up to max altitude and start coming down to below 100,000-meters. 但是,我无法找出合适的Python算法来保持最高海拔并开始下降到100,000米以下。

Here is what I have: 这是我所拥有的:

while (states[4,(i - 1)] >= 100000 and states[4,i] <= 100000 or states[4,i] != 100000):

I'm ending up in an infinite loop, though. 不过,我最终陷入无限循环。 states[4,i] is the altitude. states[4,i]是海拔。 My thinking is that if the previous ( i - 1 ) altitude is above 100,000-meters and the current ( i ) altitude is below 100,000-meters, I want it to exit the while loop. 我的想法是,如果以前的( i - 1 )海拔高度超过100,000米,而当前( i )海拔高度低于100,000米,我希望它退出while循环。 states[4,i] != 100000 is meant to get me up to that altitude, at least. states[4,i] != 100000至少可以使我达到那个高度。

Thoughts? 有什么想法吗?

I believe the issue you have here is that you need to keep track of when you cross the altitude. 我相信您在这里遇到的问题是,您需要跟踪越过海拔高度的时间。 Why not just have a variable set to false before your loop, then true when you hit >= 100000, and add that to your while. 为什么不将变量在循环前设置为false,然后在命中> = 100000时将其设置为true并将其添加到您的while中。 Also, those conditionals are for leaving your loop, so you should negate it. 此外,这些条件是用于退出循环的,因此您应该对其进行否定。 Eg 例如

reachedHeight = False
while (not (reachedHeight and states[4,(i - 1)] >= 100000 and states[4,i] <= 100000)):
  if (not reachedHeight and states[4,i] >= 100000):
    reachedHeight = True

Could also be a conditional with a break inside your loop. 也可能是循环内有中断的条件。

The while loop you have above will continue looping unless states[4,i] equals exactly 100,000. 上面的while循环将继续循环,除非states[4,i] 恰好等于100,000。

False and False or True == True

This is likely why you are experiencing the infinite loop. 这很可能就是您遇到无限循环的原因。 You may want to remove the third case and if necessary, perform other checks inside the loop. 您可能需要删除第三种情况,并在必要时在循环内执行其他检查。

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