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[英]Why can't I send Email on Google app engine?

I CAN NOT send email on Google app engine. 我无法在Google应用引擎上发送电子邮件。

The sender_address is the owner of application. sender_address是应用程序的所有者。 I want to use "cron" to send email to someone every day. 我想用“cron”每天向某人发送电子邮件。

Here is my python code: 这是我的python代码:

class Send_Email(webapp2.RequestHandler):
    def post(self):
        self.abort(405, headers = [('Allow', 'GET')])
    def get(self):
        if 'X-AppEngine-Cron' not in self.request.headers:
        sender_address = "David <z25189347@gmail.com>"
        user_email = "chaowc@mail.ncnu.edu.tw"
        subject = "Work Complete!"
        body = "Picture uploaded!"
        mail.send_mail(sender_address, user_email, subject, body)

app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([(r'/', MainPage),
                             (r'/sendemail', Send_Email),
                             ], debug=True)

Here is my cron.yaml code: 这是我的cron.yaml代码:

- description: Send Email
  url: /sendemail
  schedule: every day 00:00
  timezone: Asia/Taipei

Here is my app.yaml code: 这是我的app.yaml代码:

- url: /sendemail
  script: main.app

- url: /.*
  script: main.app
  secure: always

When I run my application at localhost always show: 当我在localhost上运行我的应用程序总是显示:

Request to /sendemail succeeded!

But when I deploy to Google app engine , the logs always show wrong messages: 但是,当我部署到Google应用引擎时,日志始终显示错误消息:

 InvalidSenderError: Unauthorized sender 

I have no idea where I am doing wrong. 我不知道我在哪里做错了。 Someone help me please! 有人帮帮我! Thanks! 谢谢!

您需要在Developer Console> App Engine>设置>应用程序设置中将发件人电子邮件地址添加到授权发件人列表中。

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