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[英]How to I check that the length of text of an element is greater than 0 in nightwatch?

How to I check that the length of text of an element is greater than 0 in nightwatch? 如何在夜视仪中检查元素的文本长度是否大于0?

I want to check the length of text of an element on a page to make sure it is greater than 0 using nightwatch. 我想检查页面上元素的文本长度,以确保它使用夜视仪大于0。

You can make your own custom command that uses browser.assert. 您可以创建自己的使用browser.assert的自定义命令。

module.exports = {
  'Length of text should be greater zero': function(browser) {

      .getText('#some-selector', function(result) {
        browser.assert.ok(result.value.length > 0);

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