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[英]react native chrome debugger breaks the application

I have a react-native sample which works fine in simulator. 我有一个本机示例,可以在模拟器中正常工作。 But when I try to debug it in the chrome, it stops working. 但是,当我尝试在chrome中调试它时,它将停止工作。

I am using Navigator, first page is a greeting, which works fine. 我正在使用导航器,第一页是一个问候,效果很好。 When I enable debug, the behavior is like this : Go to the first page, every thing is fine. 当我启用调试时,行为是这样的:转到第一页,一切都很好。 Click on enter button to enter the app, I can see the messages from my render function in chrome, but there is no visual change Click again on the same button, give erros : many 单击输入按钮进入应用程序,我可以在chrome中查看来自我的渲染功能的消息,但是没有视觉上的变化。再次单击同一按钮,出现错误:

Warning: flattenChildren(...): Encountered two children with the same key, .0:$0 . 警告:flattenChildren(...):遇到两个具有相同键.0:$0孩子。 Child keys must be unique; 子密钥必须唯一。 when two children share a key, only the first child will be used. 当两个孩子共享一个密钥时,将仅使用第一个孩子。

And at the end 最后

Exception 'shadowView (for ID 19) not found' was thrown while invoking replaceExistingNonRootView on target RCTUIManager with params ( 19, 446 ) 使用参数(19,446)调用目标RCTUIManager上的replaceExistingNonRootView时引发了异常“ shadowView(针对ID 19)”

The component that might cause the error is as follows ( it is a chess board) 可能导致错误的组件如下(它是国际象棋棋盘)

var Dimensions = require('Dimensions');
var fen = require('../logic/fen');
var windowSize = Dimensions.get('window');

import React, {
} from 'react-native';

const Square = require('./square');
const Piece = require('./piece.component');
const CONSTANTS = require('./constants');
var squares = [];
var pieces = [];
var createRow = function(i, width) {
    for (let j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
        squares.push(<Square width={width} key={i*10+j} row = {i} column = {j} onSquareSelected = {this.squareSelected}></Square>
var createBoard = function(width) {
    for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        createRow(i, width);

const Board = React.createClass({

    componentWillMount() {
       this.pieceWidth = this.props.width/8;

        console.log('Creating pieces');
        let pieceDefinitions =  fen.read(fen.initial);
        pieces = [];
        var key = 0;
        for(let p in pieceDefinitions){

            key = key +1 ;
            console.log('piece key is ' + key)
                    <Piece key={key} width ={this.pieceWidth} coordinate={p} color = {pieceDefinitions[p].color} 
                    role = {pieceDefinitions[p].role}>
        return pieces;
    squareSelected(row, column) {
        console.log("Row", row, "Column", column, "selected");
    getInitialState() {
        return { selectedPiece: null }

    render() {
        return (
            <View style={[styles.container, {width : this.props.width ,height: this.props.width}]}>

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
    container: {
        marginTop : 20,
        backgroundColor: '#F5FCFF',
        flexDirection: 'row',
        flexWrap: 'wrap',

module.exports = Board;

Apparently any RN code that uses let breaks completely in the Chrome debugger. 显然,所有使用let RN代码在Chrome调试器中都会完全中断。 There is no solution. 没有解决办法。 We are screwed. 我们被搞砸了。 I believe that the transpiler used by RN wraps each block that contains even a single let in a closure, and suddenly this is something else like _this2 , but Chrome debugger doesn't know that. 我相信RN所使用的编译器会在闭包中包装甚至包含一个let每个块,突然间, this就像_this2类的_this2 ,但是Chrome调试器并不知道。

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