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Sublime Text 3. Anaconda文档和自动完成

[英]Sublime Text 3. Anaconda documentation and autocompletion

I am using the package Anaconda for Sublime Text 3. 我正在将Anaconda软件包用于Sublime Text 3。

I have found out that either the documentation is not alright or I am doing something wrong. 我发现文档不正确或我做错了什么。 For example, in this code: 例如,在此代码中:

import ssl
context = ssl.create_default_context()
context.check_hostname = False
context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE

If I check the documentation of ssl I don't see there is a function called create_default_context() . 如果我查看ssl的文档,则看不到名为create_default_context()的函数。

I also don't know what attributes the object context I have created has. 我也不知道我创建的对象context具有什么属性。

When I type context. 当我键入context. the possible atributes ( chekc_hostname , verify_mode ...) doesn't pop up. 可能的属性( chekc_hostnameverify_mode ...)不会弹出。

Thank you on advance. 谢谢你提前。

ssl.create_default_context() is present in both Python 2 (from 2.7.9 onward) and Python 3 , so I don't know why you didn't find it in the docs. ssl.create_default_context()同时存在于Python 2 (从2.7.9开始)和Python 3中 ,所以我不知道为什么您在文档中找不到它。 The SSLContext docs ( Py2 , Py3 ) describe all of the available methods and attributes for an object of that type. SSLContext文档( Py2Py3 )描述了该类型对象的所有可用方法和属性。

Without knowing your Anaconda settings, it is impossible to troubleshoot why the plugin isn't working as expected. 如果不知道您的Anaconda设置,就无法对插件为何无法按预期进行故障排除。 The documentation is quite clear as to how to set up and use the plugin. 关于如何设置和使用插件的文档非常清楚。 If after carefully reading through it you are still having problems, please post your full Anaconda settings in your question ( not in the comments). 如果仔细阅读后仍遇到问题,请在问题中发布完整的Anaconda设置( 而不是在评论中)。

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