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[英]Remove whole div with specific class name

Is it possible to remove the whole div with a specific class name? 是否可以删除具有特定类名的整个div? For example; 例如;

<div class="head">...</div>
<div class="container">...</div>
<div class="foot">...</div>

I would like to remove the div with the "container" class. 我想使用“容器”类删除div。

AC# code example would be verry useful, thank you. AC#代码示例非常有用,谢谢。

If you want to parse html in c# the best way is to use Html agility pack : 如果要使用C#解析html,最好的方法是使用HTML敏捷包:

https://htmlagilitypack.codeplex.com/ https://htmlagilitypack.codeplex.com/

HtmlDocument document = new HtmlDocument();  

HtmlNode nodesToRemove= document .DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@class='container']").ToList();  

foreach (var node in nodesToRemove)

The proper way (I suppose) to do this is via built in Gecko DOM classes and methods. 正确的方法(我想)是通过内置的Gecko DOM类和方法实现的。

So, in your case something like: 因此,在您的情况下,例如:

var containers = yourDocument.GetElementsByClassName("container");
//this returns an IEnumerable of elements with this class. If you only ever gonna have one, you can do it like that:
var yourContainer = containers.FirstOrDefault();

Obviously, you can also do loops etc. 显然,您也可以执行循环等。

Well, with the help of regex, you can remove your desired div 好吧,借助正则表达式,您可以删除所需的div

var data = "<body>\n<div class=\"head\">...</div>\n" +
    "<div class=\"container\">...</div>\n" +
    "<div class=\"foot\">...</div>\n</body>";

var rxStr = "<div[^<]+class=([\"'])container\\1.*</div>";

var rx = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex (rxStr, 

var nStr = rx.Replace (data, "");

Console.WriteLine (nStr);

This will reduce your string to 这将减少您的字符串

<div class="head">...</div>

<div class="foot">...</div>

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