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[英]Can't set programmatically created UITextField text to UIPickerView value

I've created a UITextField programmatically ( myTextField : UITextField! ) so I can easily control its attributes. 我已经以编程方式创建了一个UITextFieldmyTextField : UITextField! ),因此我可以轻松地控制其属性。

I want to be able to set its text to the selected value of a UIPicker (programmatically created via myPickerView: UIPickerView! = UIPickerView() ), but whenever I try myTextField.text = pickerData[row] inside didSelectRow the app crashes saying nil was found while unwrapping an Optional. 我希望能够将其文本设置为UIPicker的选定值(通过myPickerView: UIPickerView! = UIPickerView()编程创建myPickerView: UIPickerView! = UIPickerView() ),但是每当我在didSelectRow尝试myTextField.text = pickerData[row] ,应用程序都会崩溃,提示nil为展开Optional时找到。

I'm using myTextField.inputView = myPickerView which behaves properly and I can successfully print out the selected row from the picker view. 我使用的myTextField.inputView = myPickerView行为正常,我可以从选择器视图中成功打印出选定的行。 It's only when I try to set the text that it crashes. 只有当我尝试设置文本时,它才会崩溃。

When I set up a button on the storyboard as an IBOutlet it works properly, but I want to avoid using storyboard. 当我在情节提要板上将按钮设置为IBOutlet时,它可以正常工作,但我想避免使用情节提要。 Is there anyway around this? 有没有办法解决? Or is it possible to style a storyboard button programmatically? 还是可以通过编程方式为情节提要按钮设置样式?

UPDATE: I've set a tag to myTextField and set myTextField.text using the tag under the pickers didSelect protocol, but that feels roundabout and hacky 更新:我已经将标签设置为myTextField并使用了didSelect协议下的标签设置了myTextField.text ,但是感觉有点round回

Your textfield is nil. 您的文本字段为nil。 You need to initialize the textField before using the pickerView. 您需要在使用pickerView之前初始化textField。 Best method is 最好的方法是

myTextField = UITextField()
myTextField.inputView = myPickerView

So that, the pickerView appears only when you touch the textField. 因此,pickerView仅在您触摸textField时出现。 If you want it to be open by default, use 如果您希望默认情况下将其打开,请使用



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