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[英]React.js - observable states like observable in Ember.js

In ember I could write something like this: 在余烬中,我可以这样写:

//...do some code

What is the right way to do the similar work in React.js? 在React.js中完成类似工作的正确方法是什么?

You can do your logic in component lifecycle methods componentWillMount , componentWillReceiveProps and others. 您可以在组件生命周期方法componentWillMountcomponentWillReceiveProps等中进行逻辑处理。 Whenever you pass new props to a component it will run throutg lifecycle. 每当您将新的道具传递给组件时,它将贯穿整个生命周期。 Read more about it 进一步了解

Alternatively you can use Rx.js . 或者,您可以使用Rx.js。 But conceptually I dont think it is a correct approach. 但是从概念上讲,我认为这不是正确的方法。 React implies you to manipulate props and states of a component and handle all logic in lifecycle or in synthetic events. React意味着您可以操纵组件的属性和状态,并处理生命周期或综合事件中的所有逻辑。

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