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[英]Highcharts data labels not showing on multiple xAxis and yAxis

I am using two xAxis and three yAxis in this example . 在此示例中,我使用两个xAxis和三个yAxis As you can see the data labels for the two purple lines show as expected. 如您所见,两条紫色线的数据标签按预期显示。 But when you change the zoom level to anything more than 3m, the dataLabels hide. 但是,当您将缩放级别更改为大于3m时, dataLabels隐藏。

I am using: 我在用:

dataLabels: {
          enabled: true,
          allowOverlap: true,
          align: 'left',
          verticalAlign: 'top',
          x: 0,
          y: -18,
          zIndex: 1000,
          crop: false,
          overflow: 'none',
          inside: true,
          padding: 0,
          maxPadding: 0,
          formatter: function() {
            return 'Other';

for one, and just allowOverlap: true for the other. 一个,只允许allowOverlap: true另一个。 None of them seem to work. 他们似乎都不起作用。 Any suggestions? 有什么建议么?

The issue is caused by dataGrouping, which group points when you set range above 3m. 问题是由dataGrouping引起的,当您将范围设置为3m以上时,该分组指向。 The solution is define formatter in plotOptions.series object, instead of point. 解决的方法是在plotOptions.series对象中定义格式化程序,而不是point。

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