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[英]when click button, while connected wifi, show progress dialog on android

recently, When clicking the button WI-FI connect. 最近,当单击WI-FI连接按钮时。

but I want during connecting , showing progress dialog 但是我想在连接过程中显示进度对话框

How can I do ? 我能怎么做 ?

protected final ScanResult mScanResult;
 private OnClickListener mConnectOnClick = new OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View v) {
 final WifiConfiguration config = Wifi.getWifiConfiguration(mWifiManager, mScanResult, mScanResultSecurity);
        boolean connResult = false;

if (config != null) {
       connResult = Wifi.connectToConfiguredNetwork(mFloating, mWifiManager, config, false);
    // I Think this part progress dialog. 
        if (!connResult) {
            Toast.makeText(mFloating, R.string.toastFailed, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();


if finish connect wifi, I want stop progress dialog 如果完成连接wifi,我要停止进度对话框
thanks. 谢谢。

For this you can use async task 为此,您可以使用异步任务

 class WIFIConfigurationTask extends AsyncTask<String, Void, Boolean> {
            ProgressDialog dialog;
           protected final ScanResult mScanResult;

            protected void onPreExecute() {
                dialog = new ProgressDialog(Your_Activity.this);

            protected Boolean doInBackground(String... params) {
               //Background Task

            protected void onPostExecute(Boolean response) {
                try {
                    if (isCancelled())

     private OnClickListener mConnectOnClick = new OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View v) {
 final WifiConfiguration config = Wifi.getWifiConfiguration(mWifiManager, mScanResult, mScanResultSecurity);
        boolean connResult = false;

if (config != null) {
       connResult = Wifi.connectToConfiguredNetwork(mFloating, mWifiManager, config, false);
    // I Think this part progress dialog. 
        if (!connResult) {
            Toast.makeText(mFloating, R.string.toastFailed, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();


May it work.(Not Tested) 可以。(未测试)

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