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[英]Replace table names occurence in SQL

its not first occurence. 它不是第一次出现。 after a index i need to get the first occurence. 索引后,我需要第一次出现。 the question which you are pointing to is the first occurence without index 您指向的问题是没有索引的第一次出现

i have a sql query which i am trying to modify using String.Replace but my code is replacing where ever it finds brands, how to avoid this 我有一个SQL查询 ,我正在尝试使用String.Replace进行修改,但是我的代码正在替换它找到品牌的地方,如何避免这种情况

string tempString = 
  "Select t0.brandid,t0.cold,t0.colm, from brands t0 where brandid=@value";

I want to replace brands which is table name between from and before t0 to tempbrands 我要替换从t0到t0之前的表名称到tempbrands的品牌

    int tempindex1 = tempString.IndexOf("FROM ");
string tempString1 = tempString.Replace("brands", "tempbrands ");

expected result is Select t0.brandid,t0.cold,t0.colm, from tempbrands t0 where brandid=@value 预期结果是Select t0.brandid,t0.cold,t0.colm, from tempbrands t0 where brandid=@value

Using the previous linked duplicate, i've modified it to specify where to start the search from. 使用上一个链接的重复项,我对其进行了修改,以指定从何处开始搜索。 I don't know if this is what you were looking for: 我不知道这是您要找的东西吗?

string ReplaceFirst(string text, string search, string replace, string from)
     int posFrom= text.ToLower().IndexOf(from.ToLower());
     if (posFrom < 0)
          return text;
     int pos = text.ToLower().IndexOf(search.ToLower(),posFrom);
     if (pos < 0)
          return text;
     return text.Substring(0, pos) + replace + text.Substring(pos + search.Length);

Usage: 用法:

string tempString1 = ReplaceFirst(tempString, "brands", "tempbrands ", "FROM");

Edit 编辑

To replace the string between two strings you may modify the previous method like the following, but note the using just a letter as a limit is not possible. 要在两个字符串之间替换字符串,您可以像下面这样修改先前的方法,但是请注意,仅使用字母作为限制是不可能的。 For example, i you use "t" as a limit as you ask in the comment, if the table name contains a "t" it's not going to work. 例如,我按注释中的要求使用“ t”作为限制,如果表名包含“ t”,则它将行不通。 You'd rather use "t0": 您宁愿使用“ t0”:

string ReplaceFirst(string text, string search, string replace, string from, string to)

    int posFrom = text.ToLower().IndexOf(from.ToLower());
    if (posFrom < 0)
        return text;
    int posTo = text.ToLower().IndexOf(to.ToLower(),posFrom);
    if (posTo < 0)
        return text;

    int pos = text.ToLower().IndexOf(search.ToLower(), posFrom);
    if (pos < 0 ||pos >posTo)
        return text;
    return text.Substring(0, pos) + replace + text.Substring(pos + search.Length);

Usage: 用法:

string tempString1 = ReplaceFirst(tempString, "brands", "tempbrands ", "FROM","t0");

I doubt that you want to change the 1st occurence only; 我怀疑您只想更改第一次出现 it's more likely that you want to rename table within SQL. 您更可能希望在SQL中重命名表 eg for ( brands => tempbrands change): 例如,对于( brands => tempbrands brands更改):

  select b1.brandId,
    from brands b1, -- both tables should be changed: this
         brands b2  -- ... and this 
   where b1.brandId > b2.brandId and
         b1.colm = b2.colm

you may mant change table names within, say, select as well 您也可以在例如select范围内更改表名称

  select brands.brandId -- <- all these three occurences should be changed: this,
         brands.colm    --  ... this
    from brands         --  ... and this

A partial solution (complete solution for arbitrary query wants SQL parser ) can be implemented by regular expression : 可以通过正则表达式来实现部分解决方案(对于任意查询都需要SQL解析器的完整解决方案):

  String tempString = 
    "Select t0.brandid,t0.cold,t0.colm, from brands t0 where brandid=@value";

  // let's change just whole words "brands" into "tempbrands"
  String sql = Regex.Replace(tempString, 
                             match => "tempbrands",

Why the solution is only a partial one? 为什么解决方案只是部分解决方案? SQL is reacher language than is's usually expected: SQL是比通常预期的到达语言:

  select /*this brands should be left intact*/
         MyField as 'another brands should be spared',
    from "this strange brands table should be skipped"

Make it simply.. 简单地做..

string tempString = 
  "Select t0.brandid,t0.cold,t0.colm, from brands t0 where brandid=@value";
tempString = tempString.Replace("from brands", "tempbrands");

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