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[英]facebook app not working on mobiles

I have a Facebook app (canvas app), let's say https://apps.facebook.com/test , that redirects and works as expected on the desktop (on all browsers that I have tested). 我有一个Facebook应用程序(画布应用程序),比如说https://apps.facebook.com/test ,它可以按预期在桌面(在我测试过的所有浏览器上)上重定向和工作。

On mobile phones (both from the FB app and the browser) the path gets redirected to https://m.facebook.com/apps/test/?ref=web_canvas , which gives a "This page cannot be found" error. 在移动电话上(都是从FB应用程序和浏览器),路径都重定向到https://m.facebook.com/apps/test/?ref=web_canvas ,这给出了“找不到此页面”错误。 Why? 为什么?

This has been reported as a bug to Facebook and Facebook has confirmed it as a bug. 据报道,这是Facebook的一个错误,Facebook已确认它为错误。 They have not provided a date on when the fix will be ready. 他们尚未提供修复程序准备就绪的日期。

You can follow the status of the bug here: https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/1051463851558493/ 您可以在此处关注错误的状态: https : //developers.facebook.com/bugs/1051463851558493/

Update: Facebook have (since the information struck-out below) completely removed support for this. 更新:Facebook(由于下面的信息被删除)已完全删除对此的支持。 The thread about this is here: 关于此的线程在这里:

https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/1051463851558493/ https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/1051463851558493/

The top-level information is: 顶级信息是:

We have now deprecated Mobile Canvas URL. 现在,我们不推荐使用Mobile Canvas URL。 This means that you will no longer be able to direct to a website/app directly within the Facebook mobile web based upon the external destination URL you have specified in the 'Mobile Site URL' field for the app on developers.facebook.com. 这意味着您将无法再基于在developer.facebook.com上为应用程序的“移动站点URL”字段中指定的外部目标URL,直接在Facebook移动网络内定向到网站/应用程序。 Furthermore, we have removed the 'Mobile Site URL' field from the app setup going forward. 此外,我们已从应用设置中删除了“移动网站网址”字段。 This deprecation also applies to apps that were previously whitelisted. 此弃用也适用于先前列入白名单的应用。

So it's time to move away from this functionality, and either integrate the newer FB Instant Games functionality or just link to an external website as having your canvas app hosted inside the FB mobile app simply isn't possible as it was in years gone by. 因此,是时候放弃此功能了,要么集成新的FB Instant Games功能,要么只是链接到外部网站,因为将画布应用程序托管在FB移动应用程序中根本不可能,因为这已经过去了。

Facebook has disabled mobile URLs working by default: Facebook默认禁用了移动URL:

We recently identified a handful of apps misusing our mobile App Center to redirect people to unauthorized sites. 最近,我们发现了少数应用滥用我们的移动应用中心来将用户重定向到未经授权的网站。 As a precaution, we have temporarily turned off the ability for developers to direct to a destination URL for any app in the "Mobile Site URL" field on the dev site. 为了预防起见,我们暂时关闭了开发人员在开发人员站点上“移动站点URL”字段中定向到任何应用程序的目标URL的功能。

Now if you wish for this functionality to work, you need to be logged into Facebook and then go to the following URL: 现在,如果您希望此功能正常工作,则需要登录Facebook,然后转到以下URL:

https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/588209321338256 https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/588209321338256

This URL will effectively put your request in a queue, for someone at Facebook to manually verify your app configuration isn't malicious, and then enable the redirection. 此URL将有效地将您的请求放入队列中,以供Facebook上的某人手动验证您的应用程序配置不是恶意的,然后启用重定向。 I do not like posting this answer, as I know it will eventually become invalid, but as of today it is the only answer. 我不喜欢发布此答案,因为我知道它最终将变得无效,但是到目前为止,这是唯一的答案。 As stated by Scott, you can follow progress on this issue here: 如Scott所述,您可以在此处关注此问题的进展情况:

https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/1051463851558493/ https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/1051463851558493/

Please ignore the fact it claims the issue has been 'Fixed' as Facebook count the above workaround as a fix. 请忽略它声称问题已“解决”的事实,因为Facebook认为上述解决方法已解决。 If you read through the comments on the bug you can note the waiting time to get the URL fixed (on a per app basis) is typically several weeks. 如果您仔细阅读了有关该错误的注释,则可以注意到(每个应用程序)修复该URL的等待时间通常为数周。

On May 28th, 2017, Facebook confirmed that the Mobile Canvas URL has now been deprecated. 2017年5月28日,Facebook确认已弃用Mobile Canvas URL。 Any apps already using (and white listed) will stop working, and no new apps will be accepted. 所有已使用(并列为白色)的应用都将停止运行,并且不会接受任何新应用。

Hi everyone, 嗨,大家好,

First, please accept my sincere apologies for the delay in getting back to you with an update on the status of Mobile Canvas URL. 首先,对于您延迟通过Mobile Canvas URL的状态回复给您的问题,我深表歉意。 I understand your frustrations, particularly if you submitted your details via the form and were waiting on a response. 我们了解您的不满,尤其是当您通过表格提交详细信息并等待回复时。

We have now deprecated Mobile Canvas URL. 现在,我们不推荐使用Mobile Canvas URL。 This means that you will no longer be able to direct to a website/app directly within the Facebook mobile web based upon the external destination URL you have specified in the 'Mobile Site URL' field for the app on developers.facebook.com. 这意味着您将无法再基于在developer.facebook.com上为应用程序的“移动站点URL”字段中指定的外部目标URL,直接在Facebook移动网络内定向到网站/应用程序。 Furthermore, we have removed the 'Mobile Site URL' field from the app setup going forward. 此外,我们已从应用设置中删除了“移动网站网址”字段。 This deprecation also applies to apps that were previously whitelisted. 此弃用也适用于先前列入白名单的应用。

The Mobile Canvas URL feature is a vestige of a long ago deprecated product called Mobile Canvas. Mobile Canvas URL功能是很久以前不推荐使用的称为Mobile Canvas的产品的痕迹。 Facebook maintains a high commitment to quality, so we don't want to leave unsupported products active — especially when they continue to cause bugs for our developers. Facebook对质量保持高度承诺,因此我们不想让不受支持的产品活跃起来,尤其是当它们继续对我们的开发人员造成bug时。 Going forward, we're recommending you take advantage of the well-supported Facebook Games on Web product to drive traffic to your app. 展望未来,我们建议您利用网络产品上受支持的Facebook Games来增加应用程序的访问量。

We've also introduced Instant Games which lets people play mobile games within Messenger and Facebook News Feed. 我们还推出了Instant Games,使人们可以在Messenger和Facebook News Feed中玩手机游戏。 We invite you to sign up for our closed beta program. 我们邀请您注册我们的封闭Beta计划。 We believe letting people play games together on Facebook is a powerful experience for both players and developers. 我们认为,让人们在Facebook上一起玩游戏对玩家和开发人员都是一种强大的体验。

If your app is still set up to rely on Mobile Canvas URL functionality, we recommend taking the following actions: 如果您的应用仍设置为依赖Mobile Canvas URL功能,则建议采取以下操作:

  • If you're using Mobile Canvas to link to a page on mobile web, you need to update your app to handle the redirection in the desktop iframe. 如果您使用Mobile Canvas链接到移动网络上的页面,则需要更新您的应用程序以处理桌面iframe中的重定向。 User interaction is required to redirect away from web canvas as our Platform Policy does not allow automated redirects from canvas. 由于我们的平台政策不允许从画布自动重定向,因此需要用户交互才能从Web画布重定向。

  • If your app was previously whitelisted, you will need to take action as this deprecation supersedes any workarounds you have in place. 如果您的应用先前已列入白名单,则您需要采取措施,因为此弃用方法将取代您已采取的所有解决方法。

Thank you for your understanding as we continually improve the products and services we offer to both developers and players. 感谢您的理解,因为我们会不断改进为开发人员和播放器提供的产品和服务。 Again, please accept my apologies for the wait in getting back to you with this information 再次,请接受我的歉意,等待您将这些信息反馈给您

Best regards, 最好的祝福,

Tim 蒂姆

See this thread https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/1051463851558493/ 看到这个线程https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/1051463851558493/

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