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[英]Modal popup on the page


Yes, is that posible.是的,这可能吗。

U can try a message alert, for example, with sweetalert , sweetalert2 and much more!你可以尝试消息提醒,例如,使用sweetalertsweetalert2等等!

If you want to show a confirmation mesasge in the modal dialog then the submit action should be inside the modal dialog itself.如果您想在模态对话框中显示确认消息,那么提交操作应该在模态对话框本身内。

If it is something like:Are you sure you want to submit?如果是这样的:您确定要提交吗? then you can use the JavaScript confirm and return the result, ex:然后你可以使用 JavaScript 确认并返回结果,例如:

<input type="submit" onclick="return getDetails();"/>
function getDetails()
return confirm("Are you sure ....");

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