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JAX-RS 与 Jersey 2.22.2 + Tomcat 7.0.59:请求的资源不可用

[英]JAX-RS with Jersey 2.22.2 + Tomcat 7.0.59 : The requested resource is not available

I have built separated rest-model library and when the jersey do the resource config packages , seems doesn't work and it will response The requested resource is not available.我已经建立了独立的休息模型库,当球衣做资源配置包时,似乎不起作用,它会响应请求的资源不可用。

I have used : Jersey 2.22.2 and Tomcat 7.0.59我使用过: Jersey 2.22.2 和 Tomcat 7.0.59

And please find the following details below :请在下面找到以下详细信息:

rest-model.jar (file)
  > com.company.rest.domain.* (package)
    > TestData.class (file)
      > @XmlRootElement
      > class TestData {
      >   private String str ;
      >   public TestData() {}
      >   public TestData(String str) { setStr(str); }
      >   public String getStr() { return str ; } 
      >   public void setStr(String str) { this.str = str ; }
      > }
  > com.company.rest.service.* (package)
    > TestService.class (file)
      > @Path("/test")
      > @Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON})
      > class TestService {
      >   @GET public TestData test() {
      >     return new TestData("test") ;
      >   }
      > }

Tomcat with classpath to file rest-model.jar
WebRoot (folder)
  > WEB-INF (folder)
    > web.xml (file)

The init-param used for package scanning is wrong.用于包扫描的 init-param 错误。

For Jersey 2.XX, you need to configure it as:对于 Jersey 2.XX,您需要将其配置为:


If you navigate to your tomcat folder, specifically the configuration file conf/server.xml, does the tag in the bottom look as you expect?如果您导航到您的 tomcat 文件夹,特别是配置文件 conf/server.xml,底部的标签是否如您所愿? It might be that you are simply requesting the wrong URL (missing a base path) - see what the server.xml file tells you about the path to your web app.可能是您只是请求了错误的 URL(缺少基本路径) - 查看 server.xml 文件告诉您有关 Web 应用程序路径的内容。

In Eclipse, you will have server pane with two sub panes: Overview and Modules.在 Eclipse 中,您将拥有带有两个子窗格的服务器窗格:概览和模块。 The modules shows your web app, and the base paths.这些模块显示了您的 Web 应用程序和基本路径。

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