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[英]Hibernate: How to ensure that a parent is not deleted when all its child entities are?

I am deleting entities and hence rows from my database. 我要删除entities ,因此要从数据库中删除行。

I do want to delete a certain entity and all of its child rows. 确实要删除某个实体及其所有child行。 However, I do not want to delete any rows from its Parent . 但是,我不想从其Parent删除任何行。

How can I accomplish this? 怎样才能做到这一点?

Kennel is the Parent Entity and Dog is the entity I am deleting. KennelParent EntityDog是我要删除的实体。

Please see code below to how I have linked the 2 in the Kennel Entity: 请参阅下面的代码,了解我如何在“狗窝实体”中链接2:

@OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.MERGE, orphanRemoval = false)
    @JoinColumn(name = "KENNEL_ID", referencedColumnName = "ID", updatable = true, insertable = true)
    private Set<Dog> dogs;

Currently, when I delete dog entitie(s), its related Kennel entity is also being deleted. 目前,当我删除狗entitie(S),其相关养犬实体也删除。

EDIT: Mapping of Dog to Kennel: 编辑:将狗映射到狗窝:

@ManyToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
    @JoinColumn(name = "KENNEL_ID")
    private kennel kennel;

Switched your CascadeType.ALL operation from child table to parent table according to your need. 根据需要将CascadeType.ALL操作从子表切换到父表。

Here is the simple solution which is almost similar yours, and customize it based on your need. 这是几乎与您相似的简单解决方案,并根据您的需要对其进行自定义。

@Entity(name = "Kennel")
@Table(name = "Kennel")
public class Kennel {

    @Column(name = "Kennel_Id")
    private long kennelId;

    @Column(name = "Kennel_name")   
    private String KennelName;

    //cascade = {CascadeType.REMOVE} OR orphanRemoval = true    
   @OneToMany(cascade = {CascadeType.ALL},orphanRemoval = true,fetch =  fetchType.LAZY,mappedBy="dogKennel")    
    private Set<Dog> dogSet;
    public long getKennelId() {
        return kennelId;

    public void setKennelId(long kennelId) {
        this.kennelId = kennelId;

    public String getKennelName() {
        return KennelName;

    public void setKennelName(String kennelName) {
        KennelName = kennelName;

    public Set<Dog> getDogSet() {
        return dogSet;

    public void setDogSet(Set<Dog> dogSet) {
        this.dogSet = dogSet;


@Entity(name = "Dog")
@Table(name = "Dog")
public class Dog {

    @Column(name = "Dog_Id")
    private int dogId;

    @JoinColumn(name = "Dog_Kennel_Id",referencedColumnName = "Kennel_Id")
    private Kennel dogKennel;

    @Column(name = "Dog_Name")
    private String dogName;

    public int getDogId() {
        return dogId;

    public void setDogId(int dogId) {
        this.dogId = dogId;

    public Kennel getDogKennel() {
        return dogKennel;

    public void setDogKennel(Kennel dogKennel) {
        this.dogKennel = dogKennel;

    public String getDogName() {
        return dogName;

    public void setDogName(String dogName) {
        this.dogName = dogName;


//adding kennel=1 and dog=1
        Kennel ken=new Kennel();
        HashSet<Dog> myDogSet=new HashSet<Dog>();       
        Dog dog=new Dog();

        //adding dog=2 under kennel=1
        Dog dog2=new Dog();
        Kennel dog2ken=new Kennel();

        //adding dog=3 under kennel=1
        Dog dog3=new Dog();
        Kennel dog3ken=new Kennel();

        //deleting dog=3 
        dog3=new Dog();

        //deleting kennel=1 which in turn delete all dogs under
        Kennel k=kennelRepo.findByKennelId(1);

Currently, when I delete dog entitie(s), its related Kennel entity is also being deleted. 当前,当我删除狗实体时,其相关的狗窝实体也将被删除。

The reason being you have cascade=CascadeType.ALL set on ManyToOne annotation. 原因是在ManyToOne批注上设置了cascade=CascadeType.ALL With this we are telling the ORM that when we delete (or any other operation) Dog it should propagate the same operation to the Kennel entity as well. 这样,我们告诉ORM,当我们删除(或任何其他操作) Dog它也应该将相同的操作传播到Kennel实体。

Remove cascade attribute in ManyToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL ).

Can I keep the @oneToMany relationship shown in kennel the same? 我可以保持狗舍中显示的@oneToMany关系相同吗?

Few changes you might want to consider. 您可能需要考虑的更改很少。

  • No need of having JoinColumn annotation at both oneToMany and ManyTone side. 无需在oneToManyManyTone端都具有JoinColumn批注。
  • Consider using mappedBy="kennel" attribute in OneToMany annotation and remove JoinColum annotation on OneToMany side. 考虑在OneToMany批注中使用mappedBy="kennel"属性,并在OneToMany一侧删除JoinColum批注。 This makes ManyToOne the owning side and is also more efficient from SQLs that gets generated when you persist kennel entity. 这使ManyToOne成为拥有者,并且在持久化kennel实体时生成的SQL效率也更高。 You can check it yourself by enabling show_sql . 您可以通过启用show_sql自己检查它。
  • Regarding cascade attribute on OneToMany whether to set it to ALL or MERGE or PERSIST, MERGE depends on which operations on parent entity you want to propagate to child entity. 关于OneToMany上的cascade属性是将其设置为ALL还是MERGEPERSIST, MERGE取决于要传播到子实体的父实体上的哪些操作。
  • Not sure if you have already implemented scaffolding code/methods to add/update the oneToMany relationship. 不知道您是否已经实现了脚手架代码/方法来添加/更新oneToMany关系。 If not, it is a good idea to implement them because that ensures the association is updated on both the ends. 如果不是,则最好实现它们,因为这样可以确保在两端都更新关联。 Refer to scaffolding code if needed. 如果需要,请参考脚手架代码


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