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[英]How can I retrieve the derived class from a list of abstract classes?

I have an application that displays several types of widgets. 我有一个显示几种类型的小部件的应用程序。 I pass the view the base abstract class, GraphWidget. 我将基本的抽象类GraphWidget传递给视图。 The goal is to loop through those, and create the appropriate display for each type of graph. 目标是遍历这些图形,并为每种图形创建适当的显示。

How would I go about looping through that collection and obtaining the appropriate information from the derived class so my view knows how to render each widget? 我将如何遍历该集合并从派生类中获取适当的信息,以便我的视图知道如何呈现每个小部件?

EDIT This is a .NET MVC5 application 编辑这是一个.NET MVC5应用程序

Sample code: 样例代码:

public abstract class GraphWidget {
    public abstract string Display();
    public string Title {get; set;}
    public GraphWidget(string title){
        this.Title = title;

public class BarGraph : GraphWidget{
     public override string Display(){
          return stuff...

So for example, if I have a mix of bar graphs and pie graphs, their Display() function will be different. 因此,例如,如果我混合使用条形图和饼图,则它们的Display()函数将有所不同。 I want to make sure, in my razor view, which is accepting an IEnumerable, that I can properly display each item. 我想在接受IEnumerable的剃须刀视图中确保可以正确显示每个项目。

You can use the "is" operator to test if your GraphWidgets are of a certain derived class: 您可以使用“ is”运算符来测试您的GraphWidgets是否属于某个派生类:

    var graphs = new List<GraphWidget>{new BarGraph("Bar"), new PieGraph("Pie")};
    foreach(var graph in graphs)
       if (graph is BarGraph)
          { // it's a BarGraph 
       else if (graph is PieGraph)
          { // it's a PieGraph 

If you need use them as the derived class, then you can use the "as" operator: 如果需要将它们用作派生类,则可以使用“ as”运算符:

    /* Note: if graph is actually of type PieGraph, 
             then barGraph would be null */
    var barGraph = graph as BarGraph; 

As I understand you, you can use LINQ method OfType : 据我了解,您可以使用LINQ方法OfType

var list = new List<GraphWidget>();
var badList = list.OfType<BarGraph>().ToList();

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