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C ++使用SFINAE检测任何构造函数

[英]C++ detect any constructor with SFINAE

I tried to create a template class that should detect any constructor by using SFINAE and variadic templates. 我试图创建一个模板类,它应该通过使用SFINAE和可变参数模板来检测任何构造函数。 Here is code of the template: 这是模板的代码:

template <typename Type, typename ... Arguments>
struct IsConstructible

        template <typename U, decltype(U(Arguments...))* = nullptr>
        static char test();
        template <typename U>
        static long test(...);

        static constexpr bool value = sizeof(test<Type>()) == sizeof(char);


However, when I test this with following type: 但是,当我用以下类型测试时:

struct MyBadType {

    MyBadType(int x) { }


the result of this: 结果如下:

IsConstructible<MyBadType, int>::value;

is 0. Is there anything wrong with my template checker? 是0.我的模板检查器有什么问题吗? I am using MSVS 2015 express. 我正在使用MSVS 2015 express。

The code shouldn't compile; 代码不应该编译; if MSVC does so then it's using extensions. 如果MSVC这样做,那么它使用扩展。

template <typename U, decltype(U(Arguments...))* = nullptr>

That decltype expression doesn't make sense. 这种decltype表达没有意义。 U(Arguments...) is a function type, but you want to get the type of constructing a U from Arguments... . U(Arguments...)是一个函数类型,但是你想从Arguments...获得构造U的类型Arguments... You could use std::declval for that: 您可以使用std::declval

template <typename U, decltype(U(std::declval<Arguments>()...))* = nullptr>

There is a second issue: 还有第二个问题:

    template <typename U, decltype(U(std::declval<Arguments>()...))* = nullptr>
    static char test();
    template <typename U>
    static long test(...);

A call of test<type>() would be ambiguous. test<type>()调用将是不明确的。 The "classic" way to resolve the ambiguity is to give the preferred version a dummy parameter: 解决歧义的“经典”方法是为首选版本提供一个虚拟参数:

    template <typename U, decltype(U(std::declval<Arguments>()...))* = nullptr>
    static char test(int);
    //          here ^^^
    template <typename U>
    static long test(...);

Then you call the function like test<type>(0) . 然后调用test<type>(0)的函数。

Live Demo 现场演示

See this blog post for a more flexible way to resolve overload ambiguities. 请参阅此博客文章 ,了解更灵活的方法来解决过载歧义。

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