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C++ protobuf,ZMQ。 客户端-服务器接口的功能

[英]C++ protobuf, ZMQ. Functions of client-server interface

While I doing program server-client on C++, using ZMQ and protobufs from Google, touched functions related with variance of types.当我在 C++ 上使用 ZMQ 和 Google 的 protobufs 编写服务器客户端程序时,触及了与类型变化相关的功能。

Problem: functions ParseFromString and SerializeToString use string type as parameter, but I need write program using zmq::message_t such as a parameter.问题:函数ParseFromStringSerializeToString使用字符串类型作为参数,但我需要使用zmq::message_t编写程序作为参数。

Proto file:
package core;
{ message Request
required uint32 id=1;
required uint32 class_id=2;

zmq::message_t msg; // beginning
core::Request reqt;
socket.recv(&msg) ;// receiving messgae, socket.recv(reqt) doesn't work
ParseFromString (msg); //serialization to structure doesn’t work

Program is a client-server execution using sockets Need to coordinate variables string type and message between each other.程序是使用 sockets 的客户端-服务器执行 需要协调变量之间的字符串类型和消息。 Functions ParseFromString() и SerializeToString().函数 ParseFromString() 和 SerializeToString()。 В Python все просто: socket.send(reqt.SerializeToString()) и class_id=reqt.ParseFromString(socket.recv) В Python все просто: socket.send(reqt.SerializeToString()) и class_id=reqt.ParseFromString(socket.recv)

You should use ParseFromArray() : 你应该使用ParseFromArray()

reqt.ParseFromArray(msg.data(), msg.size());

On the serializing side, use ByteSize() to get the size of the protobuf message, allocate space for it, then SerializeToArray() to write the bytes into the space. 在序列化方面,使用ByteSize()获取protobuf消息的大小,为其分配空间,然后使用SerializeToArray()将字节写入该空间。

Full documentation on these methods and others can be found at: 有关这些方法和其他方法的完整文档,请访问:

https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/reference/cpp/google.protobuf.message_lite https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/reference/cpp/google.protobuf.message_lite

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