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[英]Eclipse Start Weblogic in debug Mode error : “Failed to connect to remote VM”

I know this question may be asked several times, but my question is a little bit different. 我知道可能会多次询问这个问题,但我的问题有点不同。

I can start Weblogic server in Eclipse without error. 我可以在Eclipse中启动Weblogic服务器而不会出错。

I tried to start in Eclipse Weblogic Server in debug mode to debug a LOCAL application (not remote debug), but I got the “Failed to connect to remote VM” error. 我试图在Eclipse Weblogic Server中以调试模式启动调试LOCAL应用程序(而不是远程调试),但是我得到了“无法连接到远程VM”错误。 To make sure the problem is from Eclipse, I started manually Weblogic with startWeblogic.cmd with debugFlag=true in the bin\\setDomainEnv.cmd, and then in Eclipse tried debugging Remote Java Application with the same debug port, the debug worked without error. 为了确保问题来自Eclipse,我在bin \\ setDomainEnv.cmd中使用带有debugFlag=true startWeblogic.cmd手动启动了Weblogic,然后在Eclipse中尝试使用相同的调试端口调试远程Java应用程序,调试工作没有错误。

I also tried to compare the output of both launch method, they both contain the option for "Starting WLS with line": -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8022,server=y,suspend=n . 我还尝试比较两种启动方法的输出,它们都包含“使用行启动WLS”选项: -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8022,server=y,suspend=n The only difference is that in Eclipse there's the java version, but no in Weblogic version. 唯一的区别是Eclipse中有java版本,但Weblogic版本没有。

I tried the solution in Eclipse Error: “Failed to connect to remote VM” , checking whether the debug port is occupied, and it is occupied by the same process java. 我在Eclipse中尝试了解决方案错误:“无法连接到远程VM” ,检查调试端口是否被占用,并且它被相同的进程java占用。

Another strange thing is that when I launch debug mode in Eclipse when the server is stopped, the error appears once. 另一个奇怪的事情是,当我在服务器停止时在Eclipse中启动调试模式时,错误会出现一次。 When I launch debug when in Eclipse when the server is started, the same error appears twice. 当我在服务器启动时在Eclipse中启动调试时,会出现两次相同的错误。

I'm using proxy in Eclipse, and I have to. 我在Eclipse中使用代理,我必须这样做。 But I was using the same configuration before when there was no such error. 但是在没有这样的错误之前我使用了相同的配置。

Could you please help me with something I can check for the Weblogic Eclipse plugin? 你能帮我找一些我可以检查Weblogic Eclipse插件的东西吗? Thanks very much! 非常感谢!

In your remote machine, try to disable the firewall and then try connecting it. 在远程计算机中,尝试禁用防火墙,然后尝试连接它。 If firewall is enabled this is a common error we get. 如果启用了防火墙,这是我们遇到的常见错误。 Ex: service firewalld stop (or) systemctl stop firewalld 例如:服务firewalld停止(或)systemctl停止firewalld

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