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如何遍历表以查找第 1 列中的字符串匹配项,然后使用 Selenium WebDriver Java 在另一列的同一行上选择下拉列表?

[英]How to loop through table to find a string match in column 1, then select a dropdown on the same row in another column using Selenium WebDriver Java?


On the UI of the application page I'm testing, there is a table like the image above.在我正在测试的应用程序页面的 UI 上,有一个类似于上图的表格。 The 5th column of the table, each row under the header 'Group' has a dropdown.表格的第 5 列,标题“组”下的每一行都有一个下拉列表。 All of the dropdowns have the same ID 'RIDs'.所有下拉菜单都具有相同的 ID 'RID'。

Inspecting the 'Apple' warehouse element:检查“Apple”仓库元素:

<div id="sdiv" …>
    <table id="table10987654321" …>
            <tr …>
                <td …>
                    <a …>
                        <span …>

Inspecting the Group dropdown on the same row as 'Apple' warehouse:检查与“Apple”仓库同一行的 Group 下拉列表:

<div id="sdiv" …>
    <table id="table10987654321" …>
            <tr …>
                <td …>
                <td …>
                <td …>
                <td …>
                <td …>
                    <span …>
                        <select id="RIDs" …>…</select>

To locate all the rows in this table, I wrote:为了定位这个表中的所有行,我写道:

@FindAll(@FindBy(css="div[id='sdiv']>table[id^='table'] tr"))
List<WebElement> tableRows;

To locate the Group dropdown, I wrote:为了找到组下拉菜单,我写道:

@FindAll(@FindBy(css="div[id='sdiv']>table[id^='table'] td:nth-child(5) select[id='RIDs']"))
WebElement dropdownGroup;

After using PageFactory.initElements to initialize elements, now I want to iterate through the first column of the table, row by row, to find the warehouse that I'm looking for, in this case, 'BLUEBERRY' warehouse.使用 PageFactory.initElements 初始化元素后,现在我想逐行遍历表的第一列,以找到我要查找的仓库,在本例中为“BLUEBERRY”仓库。 If warehouse is 'BLUEBERRY', then select a group from the dropdown in the 5th column of the same row as 'BLUEBERRY' warehouse.如果仓库是“BLUEBERRY”,则从与“BLUEBERRY”仓库相同行的第 5 列的下拉列表中选择一个组。

public void selectGroup (String string) {
for (WebElement row : tableRows) {
    String warehouseCell = row.findElement(By.cssSelector("td:nth-child(1)).getText());
    If (warehosueCell.equals("BLUEBERRY")) {
        Select group = new Select(this.dropdownGroup);
    Else {

Then, in a different class, I'm calling the above method:然后,在另一个类中,我调用上述方法:

String string = "NEWGROUP";
GroupPage page = new GroupPage(driver, WAIT_TIMEOUT);

When I run this, it selected the dropdown from the 'APPLE' warehouse row, instead of the 'BLUEBERRY' warehouse row.当我运行它时,它选择了“APPLE”仓库行中的下拉菜单,而不是“BLUEBERRY”仓库行。

How can I change the code so that it selects the dropdown on the same row as the warehouse I am looking for?如何更改代码以便它选择与我要查找的仓库位于同一行的下拉列表?

I thought about using for loop with index, but the size of the table can change, and new warehouses can be added, so I wouldn't know when to end the loop.我想过用for循环加上索引,但是表的大小可以改变,并且可以添加新的仓库,所以我不知道什么时候结束循环。

Finally solved it.终于解决了。

@FindAll(@FindBy(css="div[id='sdiv']>table[id^='table'] td:nth-child(5) select[id='RIDs']"))
List<WebElement> dropdownGroups;

public void selectGroup (String string) {
int i = 0;
for (WebElement row : tableRows) {
    String warehouseCell = row.findElement(By.cssSelector("td:nth-child(1)).getText());
    if (warehosueCell.equals("BLUEBERRY")) {
        Select group = new Select(this.dropdownGroups.get(i));
        System.out.println("Group " + group.getFirstSelectedOption().getText() + " is selected.");
    else {

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