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[英]Django: How to get related objects of a queryset?

Assume I have two models:假设我有两个模型:


    a = foreign_key(A)

Now, I have a query set现在,我有一个查询集

bs = B.objects.filter(...)

I want to get all the a of bs , which means every a which is referenced by b for which b is in bs .我想所有的abs ,这意味着每a该被引用b为其bbs

Is there a way to do so?有没有办法这样做? I think in sql, a simple join will do, I don't know if django support this.我认为在sql中,一个简单的join就可以了,我不知道django是否支持这个。

You can use __in :您可以使用__in


or you can avoid creating the bs queryset at all, and follow the relation directly in your query:或者您可以完全避免创建 bs 查询集,并直接在查询中遵循关系:


For example, if the filter used to create bs was:例如,如果用于创建bs的过滤器是:

bs = B.objects.filter(name="Banana")

Then you could filter the A objects using:然后您可以使用以下方法过滤A对象:


Bear in mind that there are a number of different ways you can filter, and that the filter functionality is quite extensive, so it is worth reviewing the filter documentation请记住,您可以通过多种不同的方式进行过滤,并且过滤器功能非常广泛,因此值得查看过滤器文档

Extending Daniel's solution, using __in might return duplicate records if using a related model.扩展 Daniel 的解决方案,如果使用相关模型,则使用__in可能会返回重复记录。

For example:例如:

A.objects.filter(b__in=bs).count() could be more than A.objects.all().count() A.objects.filter(b__in=bs).count()可能大于A.objects.all().count()

For me, using distinct() worked as mentioned in this SO answer对我来说,使用distinct()这个SO answer 中提到的那样工作


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