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AngularJS + HTTPS

[英]AngularJS + HTTPS

I have an Angular application running on a Live server with an SSL certificate. 我有一个带SSL证书的实时服务器上运行的Angular应用程序。

The application uses MVC5 + Web API with Individual User Authentication on the server. 该应用程序在服务器上使用带有单独用户身份验证的MVC5 + Web API。

Using Chrome's Developer Tools, I am tracking the Network traffic to view data send to over HTTPS. 使用Chrome的开发人员工具,我正在跟踪网络流量,以查看通过HTTPS发送到的数据。

When I log into the app, it shows me the FORM DATA containing my login creditials? 当我登录该应用程序时,它会向我显示包含我的登录信用凭证的表格数据?

Also tested on IE and it displays my login credentials in the REQUEST BODY? 在IE上也经过测试,它在REQUEST BODY中显示我的登录凭据?

Does this mean that the request to the server are not using HTTPS? 这是否意味着对服务器的请求未使用HTTPS?

I have also, tried to use Fiddler with no luck. 我也尝试过运气不好的Fiddler。

Thanks 谢谢

data visible under Form Data is fine. 表格数据下可见的数据很好。 Chrome developer tools will show you all the parameters passed to the server irrespective of protocol. Chrome开发人员工具将显示与协议无关的所有传递给服务器的参数。 Check for the values in Request URL and Request Method under General section. 检查“ 常规”部分下“ 请求URL请求方法”中的值。 They are important. 它们很重要。 For security purpose they should have https (along with your domain) and POST for login service. 为了安全起见,他们应该使用https (以及您的域)和POST进行登录服务。

Your browser see https data unencrypted. 您的浏览器会看到https数据未加密。 Otherwise, it couldn't display the webpage. 否则,它将无法显示该网页。

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