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[英]Trying to Generate a div using inner.HTML in a for loop-jquery

I am trying to create a thumbnail view of a gallery from a JSON object using the following for loop. 我正在尝试使用以下for循环从JSON对象创建库的缩略图视图。

function GalleryContent(url){

    var hr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    var results= document.getElementById("results");
    hr.onreadystatechange = function() {
        if(hr.readyState == 4 && hr.status == 200) {
            var data= $.parseJSON(hr.responseText);
            var results = document.getElementById("results");
            results.innerHTML = "";
            for (var obj in data){
                 results.innerHTML += "<div class='artwork'><img src='"+data[obj].filePath+data[obj].fileName+ "' alt='"+data[obj].Num+data[obj].title+"' width='150' height='auto'></div>";
                results.innerHTML += "<div class='Num'>Num:"+data[obj].Num+ "</div>";
                 results.innerHTML += "<div class='Title'>Title:"+data[obj].title+ "</div>";
                results.innerHTML += "<div class='Price'>Price:<span class='numbers'>"+data[obj].Price+ "</span></div>";

This works fine but what I have found is that any div i add only works for the current appending content and what I need is for those 4 results to be enveloped in a div so I can work with the content and style the display after it gets on the page. 这工作正常,但我发现任何我添加的div仅适用于当前附加内容,我需要的是将这4个结果封装在div中,这样我就可以使用内容并在显示后设置样式在页面上。

I have read this: Trying to make a jquery 'for' loop that adds div elements inside another div. 我已经读过: 尝试创建一个jquery'for'循环,在另一个div中添加div元素。

and my new question is where and how do I add a second loop that only puts one set of information into a div that can then be appended to the results div in my .getElementByID 我的新问题是在哪里以及如何添加第二个循环,它只将一组信息放入div中,然后可以将其附加到我的.getElementByID中的结果div

Thank you in advance for any guidance. 提前感谢您的任何指导。

If I understand your question correctly, you don't need an additional loop. 如果我正确理解您的问题,您不需要额外的循环。

If you want to envelop the entire thing within #results, you can open and close the div outside your for loop. 如果你想在#results中包含整个事物,你可以打开和关闭你的for循环之外的div。 Based on your comments, you also need to save the content you wish to write into a variable rather than continuously setting the innerHTML, or else the browser will try to auto-fix the unclosed HTML elements. 根据您的注释,您还需要将要写入的内容保存到变量中,而不是连续设置innerHTML,否则浏览器将尝试自动修复未关闭的HTML元素。 Do it all in bulk at the end. 最后完成这一切。

content = "";
content += "<div id='container'>";
for (var obj in data) {
content += "</div>";
results.innerHTML = content;

If you want to envelop each object that is returned from your JSON response, you can do it within the for loop but before and after your items. 如果要包围从JSON响应返回的每个对象,可以在for循环中但在项目之前和之后进行。

content = "";
for (var obj in data) {
    content += "<div class='gallery-container'>";
    content += "</div>";
content += "</div>";
results.innerHTML = content;

Am I missing something here or is it not just a case of creating a new variable which starts with <div> and to this you concatenate the content to it within the for loop, instead of directly to results.innerHTML? 我是否在这里遗漏了一些东西,或者它不只是创建一个以<div>开头的新变量,并且在for循环中将内容连接到它,而不是直接连接到results.innerHTML?

You obviously would then concatenate the closing <div> to it, and add your variable to the results.innerHTML. 您显然会将结束<div>到它,并将您的变量添加到results.innerHTML。

Create an outer div ( outside of the loop ) - 创建一个外部div( 循环外部 ) -

var outerDiv = document.createElement('div');

Set some attributes/styles for it if needed - 如果需要,为它设置一些属性/样式 -

outerDiv.setAttribute('class', 'outerDiv');
outerDiv.style.backgroundColor = 'white'; 

Set the inner html of this div to your 4 other divs ( inside the loop ) - 将此div的内部html设置为其他4个div( 在循环内 ) -

outerDiv.innerHTML = // YOUR FIRST DIV
outerDiv.innerHTML += // YOUR SECOND DIV
// ... etc

Append this div instead of the 4 others - 添加此div而不是其他4个 -

var results = document.getElementById("results");

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