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Android Studio 'Obsolete Gradle Dependency' 检查问题

[英]Android Studio 'Obsolete Gradle Dependency' inspection issue

I have following gradle dependencies in my Android build.gradle file.我的 Android build.gradle 文件中有以下 gradle 依赖项。

compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:23.2.1'
compile 'com.android.support:design:23.2.1'

Declared versions are the current latest stable versions of these libraries( android support library ).声明的版本是这些库( android 支持库)的当前最新稳定版本。 But Android Studio displays following warning on them.但是 Android Studio 会显示以下警告。

A newer version of exists than 23.2.1 is available: 24.0.0-alpha1存在比 23.2.1 更新的版本可用:24.0.0-alpha1 在此处输入图片说明

24.0.0-alpha1 seems to be the newly released developer preview and I don't want to take them as a stable version of libraries. 24.0.0-alpha1 似乎是新发布的开发者预览版,我不想将它们视为库的稳定版本。 I can suppress or disable this inspection and get rid of the warnings.我可以禁止或禁用此检查并消除警告。 But doing so will avoid valid future warnings as well.但这样做也将避免有效的未来警告。

How can git rid of this warning for the developer previews?. git 如何为开发人员预览消除此警告? The warning should appear only if valid new stable version of the library exists.只有在库的有效新稳定版本存在时才会出现警告。

I use Android studio 1.5.1我使用 Android Studio 1.5.1
Thanks in advance提前致谢

Guys from Google has already fixed it, so all that you need to do now is to wait for the next update.谷歌的人已经修复了它,所以你现在需要做的就是等待下一次更新。 This problem has already been reported here:此问题已在此处报告:

https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=203321 https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=203321

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