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如何强制ant javac任务覆盖目标目录中的类文件?

[英]How to force ant javac task to overwrite the class file in the destination directory?

Here is a very simplified version of what I am trying to achieve. 这是我要达到的目标的非常简化的版本。 I have two directories, Directory1 and Directory2 . 我有两个目录, Directory1Directory2 Both directories contain Java source files. 这两个目录都包含Java源文件。 Some of the files in Directory2 can have the same fully qualified class name as the files in Directory1 . 一些文件Directory2可以有相同的完全合格的类名称,如文件Directory1

Using ant, the files are compiled to a directory called CompileDirectory , first from Directory1 and then from Directory2 . 使用ant,首先从Directory1然后从Directory2将文件编译到名为CompileDirectory Directory2 I want the files in Directory2 to be compiled and overwrite the compiled class files from Directory1 . 我想在文件Directory2进行编译和覆盖编译的类文件Directory1 However, ant seems to ignore the classes that have the same fully qualified class name. 但是,ant似乎忽略了具有相同完全限定类名的类。

Here's a simple example - 这是一个简单的例子-

Directory structure 目录结构

$ ls -R
build.xml  CompileDirectory  Directory1  Directory2




build.xml build.xml

<project name="TestProject" default="build" basedir=".">

<target name="build" depends="javac1, javac2" />

<target name="javac1">
     <javac srcdir="${basedir}/Directory1" destdir="CompileDirectory" includeantruntime="false"/>

<target name="javac2">
     <javac srcdir="${basedir}/Directory2" destdir="CompileDirectory" includeantruntime="false"/>


Ant run 蚂蚁跑

$ ant -buildfile build.xml 

Buildfile: ...(path).../build.xml

    [javac] Compiling 1 source file to ...(path).../CompileDirectory



Total time: 0 seconds

As can be seen, the javac2 target above does nothing. 可以看出,上面的javac2目标什么都不做。

When I run the Java program, I see that the class file is the one from Directory1. 运行Java程序时,我看到该类文件是Directory1中的文件。

$ cd CompileDirectory/
$ java A 
I am class A from directory 1

Is there a way to force the javac task in the javac2 target to compile the source file in Directory2 and overwrite the class file in the CompileDirectory ? 有没有一种方法可以强制javac2目标中的javac任务编译Directory2的源文件并覆盖CompileDirectory的类文件?

It has to do with timestamp of files and whether the compiler thinks the source is newer than class file. 它与文件的时间戳以及编译器是否认为源比类文件更新有关。

<project name="TestProject" default="build" basedir=".">

<target name="build" depends="javac1, touch2, javac2" />

<target name="javac1">
     <javac srcdir="${basedir}/Directory1" destdir="CompileDirectory" includeantruntime="false"/>

<target name="touch2">
     <sleep seconds="2" />
     <touch datetime="now">
    <fileset dir="${basedir}/Directory2" />

<target name="javac2">
     <javac srcdir="${basedir}/Directory2" destdir="CompileDirectory" includeantruntime="false"/>


Other possible way to avoid this is create a stage directory and compile the classes there and copy back to original directory using overwrite option. 避免这种情况的其他可能方法是创建一个stage目录并在那里编译类,然后使用overwrite选项将其复制回到原始目录。

  <project name="TestProject" default="build" basedir=".">

<target name="build" depends="javac1, javac2, copy1" />

<target name="javac1">
     <javac srcdir="${basedir}/Directory1" destdir="CompileDirectory" includeantruntime="false"/>

<target name="javac2">
     <javac srcdir="${basedir}/Directory2" destdir="CompileDirectory1" includeantruntime="false"/>
<target name="copy1">
   <copy overwrite="on" todir="CompileDirectory">
       <fileset dir="CompileDirectory1">
                <include name ="**/*.*"/>

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