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Elasticsearch 模板未在 elasticsearch 1.7 中创建新索引

[英]Elasticsearch template not creating new index in elasticsearch 1.7

I have created a index template and inserted it in my local elasticsearch store.我创建了一个索引模板并将其插入到我的本地 elasticsearch 存储中。 Using the following command:使用以下命令:

 curl -XPUT localhost:9200/_template/media_template -d ' { "template" : "media_*", "mappings" : { "properties": { "media-type": { "type": "string" } } } }

I have installed Elasticsearch-head and can go into the Info>Templates and see that my template was indeed created.我已经安装了 Elasticsearch-head,可以进入 Info>Templates 并看到我的模板确实已创建。 I am under the assumption that once I have a template then I can insert into any index with a name that fits within the regex of media_* even if that index does not yet exist.我假设一旦我有了模板,我就可以将名称插入到任何索引中,该索引的名称适合media_*的正则表达式,即使该索引尚不存在。 I want to be able to auto create indexes using the index template.我希望能够使用索引模板自动创建索引。

When I attempt to insert a record into an index that is not yet created, but is a valid regex of media_* , I get an error.当我尝试将记录插入到尚未创建但它是media_*的有效正则表达式的索引中时,出现错误。 Below is the insert statement that I call and after that is the error.下面是我调用的插入语句,然后是错误。

 $ curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:9200/media_2016_03_25/1' -d ' { "media-type" : "audio" } '


 { "error": "MapperParsingException[mapping [properties]]; nested: MapperParsingException[Root type mapping not empty after parsing! Remaining fields: [media-type : {type=string}]]; ", "status": 400 }

What am I doing wrong?我究竟做错了什么? Am I misunderstanding index templates?我误解了索引模板吗? Should they be able to auto create the index if it does not exist and is compliant with the template specification?如果索引不存在并且符合模板规范,他们是否应该能够自动创建索引?

I am running elasticsearch 1.7我正在运行弹性搜索 1.7

you need to specify which type you are applying your mapping to and what's the type of your document when you are creating it.在创建文档时,您需要指定要应用映射的类型以及文档的类型。

Try this :尝试这个 :

curl -XPUT localhost:9200/_template/media_template -d '
    "template" : "media_*",
    "mappings" : {
        "my-document-type" : {
            "properties": {
               "media-type": {
                    "type": "string"

Then this to create your document :然后创建您的文档:

$ curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:9200/media_2016_03_25/my-document-type/1' -d '
    "media-type" : "audio"

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