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Ruby / rails sort_by排序不正确?

[英]Ruby/rails sort_by not ordering properly?

I have a long array of Photo model objects, and I want to sort them by created_at , newest first, then get a new array with the first 21 photos. 我有很长的Photo模型对象数组,我想按created_at对其进行排序(最新的),然后使用前21张照片得到一个新的数组。

My problem is that the final array is not ordered properly. 我的问题是最终数组未正确排序。

Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

@recent_photos = photos.sort_by(&:created_at).reverse.first(21)

when I print out @recent_photos the created_at values are ordered like this: 当我打印出@recent_photoscreated_at值的排序如下:


What is the correct way to sort objects? 排序对象的正确方法是什么?


here's how the initial list is compiled: 这是初始列表的编译方式:

photos = @user.photos
@following = @user.following
@following.each do |f|
  photos += f.photos if f.id != @user.id
@user.memberships.each do |group|
  photos += group.photos


problem was with the question - I wanted to sort by timestamp not created_at , and those were timestamp values in the output 问题出在问题上-我想按timestamp排序而不是created_at ,而这些是输出中的timestamp

You can crunch it all down into a single query: 您可以将其简化为一个查询:

@recent_photos = Photo.where(
  user_id: @user.following_ids
).order('created_at DESC').limit(21)

You really do not want to be doing N queries for each of these as it will get slower and slower as a person has more people they're following. 您确实不希望对每个查询都进行N次查询,因为随着一个人有更多的关注对象,查询将会越来越慢。 If they follow 10,000 people that's a ridiculous number of queries. 如果他们关注10,000人,那么查询的数量就非常可笑。

If you add a :through definition to your model you may even be able to query the photos directly: 如果在模型中添加:through定义,您甚至可以直接查询照片:

 has_many :follower_photos,
   class_name: 'Photo',
   through: :followers

Whatever your constraints are, boil them down to something you can query in one shot whenever possible. 无论您有什么限制,都可以将它们简化为可以一次查询的内容。 If that's not practical, get it down to a predictable number of queries, never N. 如果这不切实际,则将其降至可预测的查询数量,而不是N。


@recent_photos = Photo.order('created_at desc').first(21)

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