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[英]Node.js get pid at port

In Node.js, I want to kill a server running on port 1337 . 在Node.js中,我想杀死在端口1337上运行的服务器。 process.kill(pid) seems like the way to do that. process.kill(pid)似乎是这样做的方法。 But how do I get the pid of the server running on port 1337 , in Node.js? 但是,如何在Node.js中获取在端口1337上运行的服务器的pid?

I see plenty of examples of how to do this with ps and lsof . 我看到了很多关于如何使用pslsof进行此操作的示例。 Is there a way to pull this off without relying on shell commands in Node.js? 有没有办法在不依赖Node.js中的Shell命令的情况下实现这一目标?

Here is how I would do this by relying on lsof : 这是我依靠lsof来做到这一点的方法:

Number(child_process.execSync('lsof -i :1337 -t'))

If you launched the server as a child from another nodejs process, you can just do child.pid to get the pid of the server process. 如果您以另一个Node.js进程的子进程启动服务器,则只需执行child.pid即可获取服务器进程的pid。

Example: 例:

var child = child_process.spawnSync(command[, args][, options]);

To answer my question, I can determine the pid(s) at a port with the port-pid package: https://www.npmjs.com/package/port-pid 要回答我的问题,我可以使用port-pid软件包确定port-pidhttps//www.npmjs.com/package/port-pid

However, to solve my problem, I instead adopted the philosophy that there was a "good reason" the port was in use, and instead opted to kill the child process from where it was spawned by wrapping require('child_process').spawn : 但是,为了解决我的问题,我改而采用了端口正在使用的“充分理由”的哲学,而是选择通过包装require('child_process').spawn杀死从其产生的子进程require('child_process').spawn

var childProcess = require('child_process');
var spawn = (function () {
  var children = [];
  process.on('exit', function () {
    children.forEach(function (child) {
  return function () {
    var child = childProcess.spawn.apply(childProcess, arguments);
    return child;
spawn('node', ['server/server.js'])

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