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[英]How to get FireDAC record count when SetRange active

I'm slowly moving from ClientDataSet to FireDAC FDQuery components in my projects (Delphi 10 Seattle). 我正慢慢地从ClientDataSet转移到我的项目中的FireDAC FDQuery组件(Delphi 10 Seattle)。

One trick I often use with CDS is to check record count on a range. 我经常使用CDS的一个技巧是检查范围上的记录计数。

That is: 那是:

k := CDS.RecordCount;  
case k of  
  1 : DoSingleThing;  
  2 : DoDoubleThing;  

Because I need the entire set of data available at the same time, I use FetchOptions.Mode := fmAll when first opening the query. 因为我需要同时提供整个数据集,所以在第一次打开查询时我使用FetchOptions.Mode:= fmAll。

Doing FDQuery.SetRange([Value1][Value2]); FDQuery.SetRange([Value1][Value2]); then calling FDQuery.RecordCount always returns the record count of the entire dataset (as per fmAll) - not the current range. 然后调用FDQuery.RecordCount总是返回整个数据集的记录数(按照fmAll) - 而不是当前范围。

I'm having to loop through the range counting records manually. 我不得不手动遍历范围计数记录。

Is there a simpler way to get the number of records in the current range? 是否有更简单的方法来获取当前范围内的记录数?

将FetchOptions.RecordCountMode设置为cmVisible: http ://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Seattle/en/FireDAC.Stan.Option.TFDFetchOptions.RecordCountMode

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