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播放框架2.5.x Web Socket Java

[英]Play framework 2.5.x Web Socket Java

I am following the instructions in the official documentation of Play framework 2.5.x to Java Websockets, I created a controller with this function 我按照Play框架2.5.x的官方文档中的说明访问Java Websockets,我创建了一个具有此功能的控制器

public static LegacyWebSocket<String> socket() {
    return WebSocket.withActor(MyWebSocketActor::props);

And an Actor class MyWebSocketActor: 还有一个Actor类MyWebSocketActor:

   public class MyWebSocketActor extends UntypedActor {

    public static Props props(ActorRef out) {
        return Props.create(MyWebSocketActor.class, out);

    private final ActorRef out;

    public MyWebSocketActor(ActorRef out) {
        this.out = out;

    public void onReceive(Object message) throws Exception {
        if (message instanceof String) {
            out.tell("I received your message: " + message, self());

Then the app is started I try to connect at ws://localhost:9000 as is written in the official documentation: 然后应用程序启动我尝试连接到ws:// localhost:9000,正如官方文档中所写:

Tip: You can test your WebSocket controller on https://www.websocket.org/echo.html . 提示:您可以在https://www.websocket.org/echo.html上测试WebSocket控制器。 Just set the location to ws://localhost:9000. 只需将位置设置为ws:// localhost:9000。

But the web socket seems unreachable, how can I test it? 但是网络套接字似乎无法访问,我该如何测试呢?

Thanks 谢谢

In order to handle WebSocket connections, you also have to add a route in your routes file. 为了处理WebSocket连接,您还必须在routes文件中添加routes

GET /ws controllers.Application.socket()

Then your WebSocket endpoint will be ws://localhost:9000/ws - use it for testing with the echo service. 然后你的WebSocket端点将是ws://localhost:9000/ws - 用它来测试echo服务。

Finally with the help of Anton I solved it! 最后在安东的帮助下我解决了它! First: remove static from socket() method 首先:从socket()方法中删除static

public LegacyWebSocket<String> socket() {
        return WebSocket.withActor(MyWebSocketActor::props);

Then add an endpoint in routes file for the socket() method 然后在路由文件中为socket()方法添加端点

GET     /ws                          controllers.HomeController.socket()

At this point you have to start the application with SSL/TLS in this way, for example: 此时,您必须以这种方式使用SSL / TLS启动应用程序,例如:

activator run -Dhttps.port=9443

In websocket.org/echo.html insert wss://localhost:9443/ws in Location field and it connects to websocket! websocket.org/echo.html中,在位置字段中插入wss://localhost:9443/ws ,它连接到websocket!

Furthermore if I visit https://localhost:9443/ws I continue to obtain the message 此外,如果我访问https://localhost:9443/ws我继续获取该消息

Upgrade to WebSocket required 需要升级到WebSocket

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