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[英]Setting a custom attribute directive in Angular2

I am trying to set a costume attribute directive to an input but I couldn't find the way to do it. 我正在尝试为输入设置服装属性指令,但找不到方法。

My directive is the following 我的指令如下

    selector: '[disable-paste]'
export class DisablePaste {
    constructor(private _elementRef:ElementRef) {
        this._elementRef.nativeElement.onpaste = (e:any) => {

If I just put the directive by its own in the input, it works. 如果我只是将指令本身放入输入中,那么它将起作用。 But when I try to use it "conditionally" it doesn't. 但是,当我尝试“有条件地”使用它时却没有。 I tried all these: 我尝试了所有这些:

<input [disable-paste]="doNotAllowPaste" ... />
<input disable-paste="doNotAllowPaste" ... />
<input [attr.disable-paste]="doNotAllowPaste" ... />

I think you need an input property in order to conditionally execute your logic, whenever the input property value changes: 我认为您需要一个输入属性,以便每当输入属性值发生更改时有条件地执行逻辑:

  selector: '[disable-paste]'
export class DisablePaste {
  @Input('disable-paste') disablePaste:boolean;

  constructor(private _elementRef:ElementRef) {}
  ngOnChanges() {
    if(this.disablePaste) {
      this._elementRef.nativeElement.onpaste = (e:any) => {
    } else {
      this._elementRef.nativeElement.onpaste = null; 

You coulsd try this: 您可以尝试以下操作:

  selector: '[disable-paste]'
export class DisablePaste {

  constructor(private _elementRef:ElementRef) {
    this._elementRef.nativeElement.onpaste = (e:any) => {

If you use [...] , you will get an object corresponding to the evaluation of the specified expression. 如果使用[...] ,将获得一个与指定表达式的求值相对应的对象。 Without them, a string value. 没有它们,则为字符串值。

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