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Java 8使用流和收集器映射到集合的子列表条目

[英]Java 8 mapping to sub list entries of a collection using streams and collectors

I have a collection of Person objects:. 我有一个Person对象的集合:

public class Person {

  String name;

  ChildrenListHolder childrenListHolder;

public class ChildrenListHolder {
   List<Children> children;

public class Children {
   String childrensName;

(The entity structure is given by third party.) (实体结构由第三方提供。)

Now, I need a Map<String,List<Person>> childrensName -> person-list 现在,我需要一个Map<String,List<Person>> childrensName - > person-list

For example (simplified): 例如(简化):

Person father: {name: "John", childrensListHolder -> {"Lisa", "Jimmy"}}
Person mother: {name: "Clara", childrensListHolder -> {"Lisa", "Paul"}}
Person george: {name: "George", childrensListHold -> "Paul"}}

The map, I need is 我需要的地图是

Map<String, List<Person>> map: {"Lisa"  -> {father, mother},
                                "Jimmy" -> {father},
                                "Paul"  -> {mother, george}}

I can do that with a bunch of for's and if's. 我可以用一堆for和if来做到这一点。 But how can I do this using streams and collectors. 但是我如何使用流和收集器来做到这一点。 I have tried many approaches, but I cannot get the expected result. 我尝试了很多方法,但是我无法得到预期的结果。 TIA. TIA。

Given a List<Person> persons , you can have the following 给定List<Person> persons ,您可以拥有以下内容

Map<String,List<Person>> map =
           .flatMap(p -> p.childrenListHolder.children.stream().map(c -> new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(c, p)))
             e -> e.getKey().childrensName,
             Collectors.mapping(Map.Entry::getValue, Collectors.toList())

This is creating a Stream over the persons. 这正在为人们创造一条流。 Then each person is flat mapped by a tuple holding the child and the person for each child. 然后每个人通过一个元组来平面映射,该元组持有孩子和每个孩子的人。 Finally, we group by the child name and collect all the persons into a list. 最后,我们按子名称分组并将所有人员收集到一个列表中。

Sample code assuming there are appropriate constructors: 假设有适当的构造函数的示例代码:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    List<Person> persons = Arrays.asList(
        new Person("John", new ChildrenListHolder(Arrays.asList(new Children("Lisa"), new Children("Jimmy")))),
        new Person("Clara", new ChildrenListHolder(Arrays.asList(new Children("Lisa"), new Children("Paul")))),
        new Person("George", new ChildrenListHolder(Arrays.asList(new Children("Paul"))))

    Map<String,List<Person>> map =
               .flatMap(p -> p.childrenListHolder.children.stream().map(c -> new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(c, p)))
                 e -> e.getKey().childrensName,
                 Collectors.mapping(Map.Entry::getValue, Collectors.toList())


I can do that with a bunch of for's and if's. 我可以用一堆for和if来做到这一点。

I know that you asked for a stream/collectors solution, but in any case a nested for loop using Map#computeIfAbsent works fine too: 我知道你要求一个流/收集器解决方案,但无论如何使用Map#computeIfAbsent的嵌套for循环也可以Map#computeIfAbsent工作:

Map<String, List<Person>> map = new HashMap<>();
for(Person p : persons) {
    for(Children c : p.childrenListHolder.children) {
        map.computeIfAbsent(c.childrensName, k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(p);

and this written using the new forEach method introduced on collections: 这是使用集合中引入的新forEach方法编写的:

Map<String, List<Person>> map = new HashMap<>();
persons.forEach(p -> p.childrenListHolder.children.forEach(c -> map.computeIfAbsent(c.childrensName, k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(p)));

Of course it's not a one-liner nor easy parallelizable like in Tunaki's solution (+1), but you don't need a "bunch" of if's to achieve that too (and you avoid also the creation of temporary map entries instances). 当然,它不是单线程,也不像Tunaki的解决方案(+1)那样易于并行化,但是你也不需要“束”来实现它(并且你也避免创建临时的映射条目实例)。

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