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无法运行 Sikuli IDE 点击(图片)

[英]Unable to run Sikuli IDE click(image)

I have a VB.net Project executable.我有一个 VB.net 项目可执行文件。 I start the executable using Sikulix IDE.我使用 Sikulix IDE 启动可执行文件。

在此处输入图片说明 SikulixIDE1.1.0 Untiled SikulixIDE1.1.0直到

#Click application logo to start 
#Login screen Enter UserName,Password,click ok

When running the code I get this error message:运行代码时,我收到此错误消息:

[error] RobotDesktop: checkMousePosition: should be L(113,545)@S(0)[0,0 1280x768] but after move is L(706,63)@S(0)[0,0 1280x768] Possible cause in case you did not touch the mouse while script was running: Mouse actions are blocked generally or by the frontmost application. You might try to run the SikuliX stuff as admin.

[error] RobotDesktop: checkMousePosition: should be L(575,376)@S(0)[0,0 1280x768] but after move is L(600,353)@S(0)[0,0 1280x768] Possible cause in case you did not touch the mouse while script was running: Mouse actions are blocked generally or by the frontmost application. You might try to run the SikuliX stuff as admin.

[error] RobotDesktop: checkMousePosition: should be L(715,402)@S(0)[0,0 1280x768] but after move is L(595,350)@S(0)[0,0 1280x768] Possible cause in case you did not touch the mouse while script was running: Mouse actions are blocked generally or by the frontmost application. You might try to run the SikuliX stuff as admin.

You should try and run the Sikuli IDE in as an administrator, as it is being suggested in the error message.您应该尝试以管理员身份运行 Sikuli IDE,正如错误消息中所建议的那样。 You can do that from command line while starting the terminal as an admin.您可以在以管理员身份启动终端时从命令行执行此操作。 You can find details how to do that here .您可以在此处找到如何执行操作的详细信息。

in python it works like this for me:在python中它对我来说是这样的:

import pyautogui as pg

pg.click(x = 2206, y = 353)# click somewhwere on sikuli on the screen
pg.hotkey('ctrl', 'r')

then Sikuli can use the mouse那么斯库里就可以使用鼠标了

Make sure your screen resolution should be 100%.确保您的屏幕分辨率应为 100%。 "error mouse not useable (blocked) " issue should be resolved. “错误鼠标不可用(被阻止)”问题应该得到解决。

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