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通过引用h1 id获取h1内的跨度值

[英]Get span value inside h1 by referring to h1 id

I want to get the text value (QCD Automotive) in this following HTML tag but can't: 我想在以下HTML标记中获取文本值(QCD Automotive),但不能:

<h1 class="_58gi" id="pages_name"><span>QCD Automotive</span><span class="_5rqt"><span class="_5rqu"></span></span></h1>

I've tried this so far, but it doesn't seem to be working. 到目前为止,我已经尝试过了,但是似乎没有用。 What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

pageName = document.GetElementById("pages_name").GetElementByTagName("span").innerText


You just call wrong function by case-sensitve, your statment should be like this: 您只区分大小写调用错误的函数,您的陈述应如下所示:

pageName = document.getElementById("pages_name").innerText

use getElementById() instead of GetElementById() and getElementByTagsName() instead of .GetElementByTagName() . 使用getElementById()代替GetElementById()getElementByTagsName()代替.GetElementByTagName()

Notice: document.getElementByTagsName() return array of elements, so if you want to use, you have to access via array index: result[0] . 注意: document.getElementByTagsName()返回元素数组,因此,如果要使用,则必须通过数组索引: result[0]进行访问。

In your case, just get innerText from element H1, no need to go to insides element. 在您的情况下,只需从元素H1获取innerText ,而无需转到insides元素。

Here is a simple solution using Jquery 这是使用Jquery的简单解决方案

  //For everything in the first span, use the code below
  //If you want every text in the tag, use the code below

Here is a link to the working demo 这是工作演示的链接

If you want to get the first span value, use firstChild 如果要获取第一个跨度值,请使用firstChild


OR 要么

use children 用孩子


Note: children[0] is the first element in the pages_name div. 注意: children [0]是pages_name div中的第一个元素。

(your browser's debugger should tell you that ) .getElementByTagName does not exist. (您的浏览器的调试器应该告诉您).getElementByTagName不存在。

of course .getElementsByTagName does exist : mind the 's' in Element s . 当然.getElementsByTagName确实存在:请注意Element中 ' You'll get an HTMLNodeCollection, which looks like an array but is not quite it. 您将获得一个HTMLNodeCollection,它看起来像一个数组,但不完全是一个数组。 More on MDN 有关MDN的更多信息

It has a property named length and all indices are numerical, so you can iterate over it with 它具有一个名为length的属性,并且所有索引都是数字,因此您可以使用对其进行迭代


or with the silly looking construct : 或与愚蠢的构造:

[].forEach.call(yourCollection, function(item,index){
    //whatever has to be done on each item

And remember : MDN is your friend ! 记住:MDN是您的朋友!


pageName = document.getElementById("pages_name").getElementsByTagName("span")[0].innerText

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