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[英]Angular: custom directive not updating controller

I started to learn Angular not so long time ago and I'm trying to understand scope, binding and etc. 不久前我开始学习Angular,并且试图了解范围,绑定等。

I have an order details controller: 我有一个订单明细控制器:

orderApp.controller('OrderDetailsController', ['$http','$routeParams','$scope','config', function($http, $routeParams, $scope, config){

    var orderCtrl = this;
    orderCtrl.orderId = $routeParams.orderId;
    orderCtrl.order = {};
    orderCtrl.editingView = false;



On order details page I want to output all information about selected order. 在订单详细信息页面上,我要输出有关所选订单的所有信息。 Also we need to give user ability to edit order. 另外,我们需要赋予用户编辑订单的能力。 Information about editing mode is stored in orderCtrl.editingView. 有关编辑模式的信息存储在orderCtrl.editingView中。

I decided to create custom directive. 我决定创建自定义指令。 If edit mode is off - display text, otherwise display input. 如果关闭了编辑模式-显示文本,否则显示输入。

    orderApp.directive('editableText', function(){
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        scope: {
            property: '=property',
            editMode: '=editMode'
        controller: 'OrderDetailsController',
        controllerAs: 'orderCtrl',
        templateUrl: '/pages/editable-text.html'

This is template: 这是模板:

<div class="col-xs-8" ng-if="!editMode">{{property}}</div>
<div class="col-xs-8" ng-if="editMode"><input type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="property"></div>

And this is how I use directive in html files: 这就是我在html文件中使用指令的方式:

 <editable-text property="orderCtrl.order.coid" edit-mode="orderCtrl.editingView"></editable-text>

Text and input are switching when edit mode is on/off. 当编辑模式打开/关闭时,文本和输入正在切换。 Problem is that orderCtrl.order.coid property is not updated when I change it in input. 问题是,当我在输入中更改orderCtrl.order.coid属性时,该属性未更新。

Before edit property looks like: 编辑属性之前如下所示: 在此处输入图片说明

Turn on edit mode and change value: 打开编辑模式并更改值: 在此处输入图片说明

Turn off edit mode and we see old value: 关闭编辑模式,我们看到旧值: 在此处输入图片说明

Do I need to synchronise controller values and directive scope? 我需要同步控制器值和指令范围吗? I thought that with 2-ways binding it should happen automatically. 我认为2向绑定应该自动发生。 Probably there is any other way to write this functionality? 可能还有其他方法可以编写此功能吗? Will appreciate any help. 将不胜感激。


Directive code: 指令代码:

    orderApp.directive('editableText', function(){
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        bindToController: {
            property: '=property',
            editMode: '=editMode'
        controller: 'OrderDetailsController',
        controllerAs: 'orderCtrl',
        templateUrl: '/pages/editable-text.html'

Directive template: 指令模板:

<div class="col-xs-8" ng-if="!orderCtrl.editMode">{{orderCtrl.property}}</div>
<div class="col-xs-8" ng-if="orderCtrl.editMode"><input type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="orderCtrl.property"/></div>

Directive usage: 指令用法:

 <editable-text property="orderCtrl.order.coid" edit-mode="orderCtrl.editingView"></editable-text>

I'm not sure that we really need to pass edit-mode attribute. 我不确定我们是否真的需要传递edit-mode属性。

You should use bindToController: { ..scope properties.. } option here inside your directive to make sure that isolated scope properties should get bounded to controller this context. 您应该在指令内的此处使用bindToController: { ..scope properties.. }选项,以确保隔离的scope属性应绑定this上下文的控制器。

Directive 指示

orderApp.directive('editableText', function(){
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        bindToController: {
            property: '=property',
            editMode: '=editMode'
        controller: 'OrderDetailsController',
        controllerAs: 'orderCtrl',
        templateUrl: '/pages/editable-text.html'

Template 模板

<div class="col-xs-8" ng-if="!orderCtrl.editMode">
<div class="col-xs-8" ng-if="orderCtrl.editMode">
   <input type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="orderCtrl.property"/>

Note:- this above bindToController: { ..scope properties.. } option available for angular 1.4+ versions. 注意:-上面的bindToController: { ..scope properties.. }选项可用于角度1.4及更高版本。

For Angular 1.3 > version & 1.4 > version you should use former way of doing it by having bindingToController: true to bind scope variable to controller context & do keep the varaibles inside scope: { ...props... } 对于Angular 1.3> version&1.4> version,您应该使用以前的方法,使bindingToController: true将范围变量绑定到控制器上下文,并将变量保留在scope: { ...props... }

scope: {
    property: '=property',
    editMode: '=editMode'
bindToController: true

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