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未捕获的类型错误:.vegas 不是函数

[英]Uncaught type error: .vegas is not a function

I'm trying to load my landing page but it is not loading my .vegas function in my custom.js file.我正在尝试加载我的登录页面,但它没有在我的 custom.js 文件中加载我的 .vegas 函数。 The vegas function is created in the file jquery.vegas.js. vegas 函数在文件 jquery.vegas.js 中创建。 This seems to be the problem, so how do I change the order of how the scripts are called within my Rails app in the asset pipeline?这似乎是问题所在,那么如何更改在资产管道中的 Rails 应用程序中调用脚本的顺序? Can I change the order of how it is called in the application.js file?我可以更改它在 application.js 文件中的调用顺序吗?

Custom.js file where the .vegas function is being called调用 .vegas 函数的 Custom.js 文件


// Preloader     
$(window).load(function() { 

$(document).ready(function() {

    // Image background

    $.vegas('overlay', {

    var countdown =  $('.countdown-time');


    $(window).on('resize', windowSize);

    function windowSize(){
        countdown.on('webkitAnimationEnd mozAnimationEnd oAnimationEnd animationEnd', function() {
            countdown.removeClass('animated bounceIn');

Application.js file应用程序.js 文件

//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs
//= require turbolinks
//= require_tree .

Jquery.vegas.js file where the vegas function resides(At the very bottom) vegas 函数所在的 Jquery.vegas.js 文件(在最底部)

(function($) {
var $background = $("<img />").addClass("vegas-background"), $overlay =     $("<div />").addClass("vegas-overlay"), $loading = $("<div />").addClass("vegas-loading"), $current = $(), paused = null, backgrounds = [], step = 0, delay = 5e3, walk = function() {}, timer, 
methods = {
    init: function(settings) {
        var options = {
            src: getBackground(),
            align: "center",
            valign: "center",
            fade: 0,
            loading: true,
            load: function() {},
            complete: function() {}
        $.extend(options, $.vegas.defaults.background, settings);
        if (options.loading) {
        var $new = $background.clone();
            position: "fixed",
            left: "0px",
            top: "0px"
        }).bind("load", function() {
            if ($new == $current) {
            $(window).bind("load resize.vegas", function(e) {
                resize($new, options);
            if ($current.is("img")) {
                $new.hide().insertAfter($current).fadeIn(options.fade, function() {
                    $("body").trigger("vegascomplete", [ this, step - 1 ]);
                    options.complete.apply($new, [ step - 1 ]);
            } else {
                $new.hide().prependTo("body").fadeIn(options.fade, function() {
                    $("body").trigger("vegascomplete", [ this, step - 1 ]);
                    options.complete.apply(this, [ step - 1 ]);
            $current = $new;
            resize($current, options);
            if (options.loading) {
            $("body").trigger("vegasload", [ $current.get(0), step - 1 ]);
            options.load.apply($current.get(0), [ step - 1 ]);
            if (step) {
                $("body").trigger("vegaswalk", [ $current.get(0), step - 1 ]);
                options.walk.apply($current.get(0), [ step - 1 ]);
        }).attr("src", options.src);
        return $.vegas;
    destroy: function(what) {
        if (!what || what == "background") {
            $(".vegas-background, .vegas-loading").remove();
            $current = $();
        if (!what || what == "overlay") {
        return $.vegas;
    overlay: function(settings) {
        var options = {
            src: null,
            opacity: null
        $.extend(options, $.vegas.defaults.overlay, settings);
            margin: "0",
            padding: "0",
            position: "fixed",
            left: "0px",
            top: "0px",
            width: "100%",
            height: "100%"
        if (options.src === false) {
            $overlay.css("backgroundImage", "none");
        if (options.src) {
            $overlay.css("backgroundImage", "url(" + options.src + ")");
        if (options.opacity) {
            $overlay.css("opacity", options.opacity);
        return $.vegas;
    slideshow: function(settings, keepPause) {
        var options = {
            step: step,
            delay: delay,
            preload: false,
            loading: true,
            backgrounds: backgrounds,
            walk: walk
        $.extend(options, $.vegas.defaults.slideshow, settings);
        if (options.backgrounds != backgrounds) {
            if (!settings.step) {
                options.step = 0;
            if (!settings.walk) {
                options.walk = function() {};
            if (options.preload) {
                $.vegas("preload", options.backgrounds);
        backgrounds = options.backgrounds;
        delay = options.delay;
        step = options.step;
        walk = options.walk;
        if (!backgrounds.length) {
            return $.vegas;
        var doSlideshow = function() {
            if (step < 0) {
                step = backgrounds.length - 1;
            if (step >= backgrounds.length || !backgrounds[step - 1]) {
                step = 0;
            var settings = backgrounds[step++];
            settings.walk = options.walk;
            settings.loading = options.loading;
            if (typeof settings.fade == "undefined") {
                settings.fade = options.fade;
            if (settings.fade > options.delay) {
                settings.fade = options.delay;
        if (!keepPause) {
            paused = false;
            $("body").trigger("vegasstart", [ $current.get(0), step - 1 ]);
        if (!paused) {
            timer = setInterval(doSlideshow, options.delay);
        return $.vegas;
    next: function() {
        var from = step;
        if (step) {
            $.vegas("slideshow", {
                step: step
            }, true);
            $("body").trigger("vegasnext", [ $current.get(0), step - 1, from - 1 ]);
        return $.vegas;
    previous: function() {
        var from = step;
        if (step) {
            $.vegas("slideshow", {
                step: step - 2
            }, true);
            $("body").trigger("vegasprevious", [ $current.get(0), step - 1, from - 1 ]);
        return $.vegas;
    jump: function(s) {
        var from = step;
        if (step) {
            $.vegas("slideshow", {
                step: s
            }, true);
            $("body").trigger("vegasjump", [ $current.get(0), step - 1, from - 1 ]);
        return $.vegas;
    stop: function() {
        var from = step;
        step = 0;
        paused = null;
        $("body").trigger("vegasstop", [ $current.get(0), from - 1 ]);
        return $.vegas;
    pause: function() {
        paused = true;
        $("body").trigger("vegaspause", [ $current.get(0), step - 1 ]);
        return $.vegas;
    get: function(what) {
        if (what === null || what == "background") {
            return $current.get(0);
        if (what == "overlay") {
            return $overlay.get(0);
        if (what == "step") {
            return step - 1;
        if (what == "paused") {
            return paused;
    preload: function(backgrounds) {
        var cache = [];
        for (var i in backgrounds) {
            if (backgrounds[i].src) {
                var cacheImage = document.createElement("img");
                cacheImage.src = backgrounds[i].src;
        return $.vegas;
function resize($img, settings) {
    var options = {
        align: "center",
        valign: "center"
    $.extend(options, settings);
    if ($img.height() === 0) {
        $img.load(function() {
            resize($(this), settings);
    var vp = getViewportSize(), ww = vp.width, wh = vp.height, iw = $img.width(), ih = $img.height(), rw = wh / ww, ri = ih / iw, newWidth, newHeight, newLeft, newTop, properties;
    if (rw > ri) {
        newWidth = wh / ri;
        newHeight = wh;
    } else {
        newWidth = ww;
        newHeight = ww * ri;
    properties = {
        width: newWidth + "px",
        height: newHeight + "px",
        top: "auto",
        bottom: "auto",
        left: "auto",
        right: "auto"
    if (!isNaN(parseInt(options.valign, 10))) {
        properties.top = 0 - (newHeight - wh) / 100 * parseInt(options.valign, 10) + "px";
    } else if (options.valign == "top") {
        properties.top = 0;
    } else if (options.valign == "bottom") {
        properties.bottom = 0;
    } else {
        properties.top = (wh - newHeight) / 2;
    if (!isNaN(parseInt(options.align, 10))) {
        properties.left = 0 - (newWidth - ww) / 100 * parseInt(options.align, 10) + "px";
    } else if (options.align == "left") {
        properties.left = 0;
    } else if (options.align == "right") {
        properties.right = 0;
    } else {
        properties.left = (ww - newWidth) / 2;
function loading() {
function loaded() {
    $loading.fadeOut("fast", function() {
function getBackground() {
    if ($("body").css("backgroundImage")) {
        return $("body").css("backgroundImage").replace(/url\("?(.*?)"?\)/i, "$1");
function getViewportSize() {
    var elmt = window, prop = "inner";
    if (!("innerWidth" in window)) {
        elmt = document.documentElement || document.body;
        prop = "client";
    return {
        width: elmt[prop + "Width"],
        height: elmt[prop + "Height"]
$.vegas = function(method) {
    if (methods[method]) {
        return methods[method].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
    } else if (typeof method === "object" || !method) {
        return methods.init.apply(this, arguments);
    } else {
        $.error("Method " + method + " does not exist");
$.vegas.defaults = {
    background: {},
    slideshow: {},
    overlay: {}

The assets are compiled alphabetically in the pipeline.资产在管道中按字母顺序编译。 So you could either rename the files to compile in the order you like, or you can remove因此,您可以按照自己喜欢的顺序重命名要编译的文件,也可以删除

//= require_tree .

in your application.js and require all of your assets manually in the order you choose.在您的 application.js 中,并按照您选择的顺序手动要求所有资产。 Hopefully that helps a little.希望这会有所帮助。

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