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querySelectorAll 不是函数

[英]querySelectorAll is not a function

I'm trying to find all oferts in the var articleFirst, but the return message in the console says that "querySelectorAll" is not a function.我试图在 var articleFirst 中找到所有的 ofert,但控制台中的返回消息说“querySelectorAll”不是一个函数。 Why I do get that error?为什么我会收到那个错误?

This is my HTML:这是我的 HTML:

<article class="first">     
  <div class="feature parts"> 
    <div class="oferts"> 
      <div class="heart icons"></div> 
        <h1>Build with passion</h1>  

This is my JavaScript:这是我的 JavaScript:

var articleFirst = document.querySelectorAll("article.first");
var oferts = articleFirst.querySelectorAll(".oferts");


Uncaught TypeError: articleFirst.querySelectorAll is not a function未捕获的类型错误:articleFirst.querySelectorAll 不是函数

querySelectorAll is a method found on Element and Document nodes in the DOM. querySelectorAll是在DOM中的Element和Document节点上找到的方法。

You are trying to call it on the return value of a call to querySelectorAll which returns a Node List (which is an array like object). 您试图在对querySelectorAll的调用的返回值上调用它,该调用返回节点列表(这是一个类似于对象的数组)。 You would need to loop over the Node List and call querySelector all on each node in it in turn. 您需要循环遍历节点列表并依次在其中的每个节点上调用querySelector all。

Alternatively, just use a descendant combinator in your initial call to it. 或者,只需在初始调用时使用后代组合子。

var oferts = document.querySelectorAll("article.first .oferts");

Try do do this: 尝试这样做:

var articleFirst = document.querySelectorAll("article.first");
var oferts = articleFirst[0].querySelectorAll(".oferts");

With console you can see what is happening. 使用控制台,您可以看到正在发生的事情。

Or just do this: 或者只是这样做:

document.querySelectorAll("article.first .oferts");

You need to use document.querySelector instead of document.querySelectorAll because the next query depends on a single HTMLElement but document.querySelectorAll returns a NodeList . 您需要使用document.querySelector而不是document.querySelectorAll因为下一个查询依赖于single HTMLElementdocument.querySelectorAll返回NodeList

 document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', TestCtrl); function TestCtrl() { var firstArticle = document.querySelector('article.first'); console.log('oferts', firstArticle.querySelectorAll('.oferts')); } 
 <article class="first"> <div class="feature parts"> <div class="oferts"> <div class="heart icons"></div> <h1>Build with passion</h1> </div> </div> </article> 

A little verbose but you could try qselectorAll('article') then turn that nodeList into an array and pick the first index.. so something like:有点冗长,但你可以尝试 qselectorAll('article') 然后把那个 nodeList 变成一个数组并选择第一个索引..所以是这样的:

let articleList = querySelectorAll('article'); // makes a NodeList of all article tags on the webpage

let article = Array.from(articleList);


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