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[英]Accessing SVG data elements in jQuery

I am working with Mapael, a Raphael extension in order to create an interactive map of France. 我正在与Mapael(Raphael扩展程序)合作,以创建法国的交互式地图。 I would like fire off onClick events once the SVG paths are selected. 一旦选择了SVG路径,我想触发onClick事件。

I have been able to make this work, however I feel that I would have to write a lot of code for something that could either be duplicated, or contained within one code block with ELSE IF statements. 我已经能够完成这项工作,但是我觉得我必须为可能重复的内容或使用ELSE IF语句包含在一个代码块中的内容编写大量代码。

Please see the below code as an example of this; 请参见下面的代码作为示例。

Here is the code drawing the map areas; 这是绘制地图区域的代码;

(function (factory) {
if (typeof exports === 'object') {
    // CommonJS
    module.exports = factory(require('jquery'), require('mapael'));
} else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
    // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
    define(['jquery', 'mapael'], factory);
} else {
    // Browser globals
    factory(jQuery, jQuery.fn.mapael);

(function ($, Mapael) {

"use strict";

$.extend(true, Mapael,
        maps :  {
            france_departments : {
                width : 661.85596,
                height : 637.08588,
                elems : {
                   "department-75" : "m 533.65,37.59 c -0.56,0.01 -1.14,0.07 -1.69,0.09 l -0.47,0 -0.06,0 c -3.2,-0.16 -6.2,1.71 -8.25,3.88 -1.18,-0.38 -2.14,0.15 -3.09,0.66 -1.64,0.07 -4.2,2.99 -1.75,3.84 2.04,0.46 2.36,3 4.56,3.38 4.15,0.71 8.61,3.62 12.69,1 2.59,-2.23 5.56,1.56 8.38,0.72 1.37,-1.09 1.13,-4.27 -1.16,-3.72 -1.21,-0.03 -2,-1.04 -2.81,-0.38 -1.83,-2.4 -0.68,-4.78 -2.88,-7.06 -0.22,-2.16 -1.78,-2.45 -3.47,-2.41 z M 369.8,144.62 c -0.22,0.01 -0.47,0.02 -0.69,0.03 l -0.19,0 -0.03,0 c -1.27,-0.06 -2.44,0.7 -3.25,1.56 -0.47,-0.15 -0.87,0.05 -1.25,0.25 -0.65,0.03 -1.66,1.16 -0.69,1.5 0.81,0.18 0.94,1.23 1.81,1.38 1.65,0.28 3.41,1.41 5.03,0.38 1.03,-0.89 2.23,0.62 3.34,0.28 0.54,-0.43 0.44,-1.69 -0.47,-1.47 -0.48,-0.01 -0.86,-0.33 -1.19,-0.06 -0.56,-1.04 -0.22,-1.97 -1.09,-2.88 -0.09,-0.86 -0.67,-0.98 -1.34,-0.97 z",
                   "department-59" : "M 377.51,2.78e-5 C 374.07,1.47 370.51,2.66 366.77,2.44 c -3.1,0.89 -6.29,1.6 -9.18,3.02 1.24,2.59 3.27,6.24 4.33,9.49 0.45,3.3 2.89,5.84 6.41,5.27 1.94,-0.78 4.85,1.64 1.47,1.89 -2.68,1.66 1.93,3.12 0.19,5.04 2.78,-0.45 4.23,3.9 7.14,2.5 1.81,1.18 3.37,-0.01 5.36,1.07 1.63,-1.32 3.21,-0.63 4.48,0.93 0.73,-1.57 2,-1.61 0.95,-3.07 1.61,-2.58 6.95,1.51 2.94,2.57 -2.83,1.01 0.34,3.73 -1.12,5.39 0.9,1.48 4.86,-1.3 3.65,1.61 2.92,-0.02 7.29,0 6.35,4.16 1.35,-0.92 3.57,-0.15 1.94,1.67 -3,0.14 -4.31,3.74 -1.12,5.07 1.69,0.96 2.08,2.48 0.62,3.67 0.34,2.55 4.5,0.15 4.8,3.09 2.64,0.43 -0.05,2.2 -0.9,2.42 1.06,1.6 0.36,2.77 -1.25,3.07 2.12,1.52 -1.64,2.22 0.07,4.15 -2.91,2.78 1.69,6.63 4.47,4.88 2.26,-1.32 5.08,2 6.87,-0.71 2.98,0.44 6.14,1.89 8.42,-1.06 1.98,-0.29 4.46,2.95 5.68,-0.34 2.9,-1.43 5.98,1.3 9.04,1.19 1.53,2.96 3.45,-0.56 5.79,0.04 -1.87,3.96 3.7,3.7 6.26,4.11 2.29,-0.95 -0.64,-4.29 2.61,-4.77 2.82,-0.8 0.92,-4.83 -0.55,-5.74 -3.06,0.67 -0.13,-3.85 -0.08,-5.37 1.87,-1.24 2.82,-4.03 -0.19,-4.26 -1.07,4.16 -2.1,-2.65 -4.39,-2.68 -1.69,-3.72 -4.82,-0.59 -7.62,-0.73 -2.37,-0.85 -5.7,-2.48 -7.81,-0.09 -1.66,4.51 -4.19,-2.36 -2.95,-4.64 0.52,-3.52 -3.24,-7.4 -6.77,-5.76 -1.77,0.07 0.3,-3.59 -2.48,-2.13 -2.41,2.31 -6.1,2.01 -8.29,-0.47 -0.77,-2.54 -0.39,-5.31 -1.88,-7.78 0.28,-2.25 0.31,-4.41 -2.29,-5.22 -0.57,-2.79 -2.95,-5.31 -5.75,-3.44 -2.32,0.87 -5.9,0.75 -6.52,3.6 -1.2,3.14 -4.3,-0.54 -6.47,-0.63 -1.62,-2.75 -3.49,-6.42 -7.19,-5.82 -1.19,-1.96 -1.69,-5.46 -1.07,-7.12 2.22,-2.65 -1.65,-4.24 -2.01,-6.55 C 378.49,2.6 378.6,1.01 377.51,3.38e-5 z M 405.6,54.52 l 0.01,0.01 -0.01,-0.01 z",


and here is the code for the broken script trying to handle onClick events; 这是损坏脚本试图处理onClick事件的代码;

$(function() {

    map: {
        name: "france_departments"
            // Enable zoom on the map
        zoom: {
            enabled: true
        // Set default plots and areas style,
        defaultArea: {
            attrs: {
                fill: "#f4f4e8",
                stroke: "#ced8d0",
                cursor: "pointer"
            attrsHover: {
                fill: "#68BCFF"
            eventHandlers: {
                click: function(e, id, mapElem) {
                    var newData = {
                        'areas': {}
                    if (mapElem.originalAttrs.fill == "#f4f4e8" && mapElem.paths.id == "department-59" ) {
                        newData.areas[id] = {
                            attrs: {
                                fill: "#0088db"
                    else if (mapElem.originalAttrs.fill == "#f4f4e8" && mapElem.paths.id == "department-75" ) {
                        newData.areas[id] = {
                            attrs: {
                                fill: "#0088db"
                    else if (mapElem.originalAttrs.fill == "#0088db") {
                        newData.areas[id] = {
                            attrs: {
                                fill: "#f4f4e8"

                    $(".mapcontainer").trigger('update', [newData]);


    // Customize some areas of the map
    areas: {
        "department-59": {
            tooltip: {
                content: "Nord (59)"

        "department-75": {
            value: "2268265",

            tooltip: {
                content: "Paris (75)"

Below I will include 2 plunks, the first of which is the working version and the second is how I hope to refactor the code. 下面,我将介绍2个插件,第一个是工作版本,第二个是我希望重构代码的方式。


http://plnkr.co/edit/XXXNQcND54Iw3HirefMc?p=preview http://plnkr.co/edit/XXXNQcND54Iw3HirefMc?p=preview


http://plnkr.co/edit/ExDmSj?p=preview http://plnkr.co/edit/ExDmSj?p=预览

For the sake of simplicity I have cut the map down to two regions for this example. 为了简单起见,在此示例中,我将地图缩减为两个区域。

Hopefully this post makes sense, if not I can provide more information/details of the problem if needed. 希望这篇文章有意义,如果没有的话,我可以在需要时提供更多信息/问题的细节。 Any help will be much appreciated! 任何帮助都感激不尽!

Thanks 谢谢

I just need to put "id" in the if statement. 我只需要在if语句中放入“ id”。 Feel a bit silly! 觉得有点傻!

here is a plunk if it interests anyone; 如果它对任何人都感兴趣的话,这是一大笔钱;

if (mapElem.originalAttrs.fill == "#f4f4e8" && id == "department-59" ) {

http://plnkr.co/edit/0WfnSkQLQbQttK76aymA?p=preview http://plnkr.co/edit/0WfnSkQLQbQttK76aymA?p=preview

Thanks. 谢谢。

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