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Rails ActiveRecord .where方法不执行SQL查询

[英]Rails ActiveRecord .where method doesn't execute SQL query

I've written a set of Rails search methods that takes an optional parameter to define the rigor of the search. 我编写了一套Rails搜索方法,这些方法带有一个可选参数来定义搜索的严谨性。 The core method is as follows: 核心方法如下:

class Participant < ActiveRecord::Base

  def self.matches(field_name, param, rigor = 'exact')
    where("lower(#{field_name}) like ?", "#{param}") if rigor == 'exact'
    where("lower(#{field_name}) like ?", "%#{param}%") if rigor == 'soft'


I'm getting this result: 我得到这个结果:

[1] pry(main)> >> Participant.matches('last_name', 'Goodman', 'soft')
Participant.matches('last_name', 'Goodman', 'soft')
      Participant Load (5.1ms)  SELECT "participants".* FROM "participants" WHERE (lower(last_name) like '%Goodman%')
    => [#<Participant:0x007fc6fecee8d0
      id: 17,
      first_name: "Harris",
      last_name: "Goodman",
      gender: 0,
      birthdate: nil,
      city: nil,
      state_code: "CA",
      email: nil,
      phone: nil,
      created_at: Wed, 30 Mar 2016 11:18:33 MDT -06:00,
      updated_at: Wed, 30 Mar 2016 11:18:33 MDT -06:00,
      created_by: 1,
      updated_by: 1,
      country_code: "US",
      user_id: nil>]

    [2] pry(main)> >> Participant.matches('last_name', 'Goodman', 'exact')
    Participant.matches('last_name', 'Goodman', 'exact')
    => nil

Rails doesn't seem to be firing the SQL query when the 'exact' parameter is passed. 传递“精确”参数时,Rails似乎不会触发SQL查询。

I've also tried = in place of like but get the same result. 我也尝试过用=代替like但是得到相同的结果。 Worked on this for over an hour with no success. 为此工作了一个多小时,但没有成功。 Any ideas would be welcome. 任何想法都将受到欢迎。

EDIT: OK, so a bit of refactoring solves the problem: 编辑:好的,所以一点重构就解决了这个问题:

  def self.matches(field_name, param)
    where("lower(#{field_name}) like ?", "%#{param}%")

  def self.exact_matches(field_name, param)
    where("lower(#{field_name}) like ?", "#{param}")

I would still like to know why this works but the more elegant earlier solution does not. 我仍然想知道为什么这样做有效,但是较优雅的早期解决方案却无效。

Every function/method returns the last evaluated value. 每个函数/方法均返回最后的评估值。 In your case it's where("lower(#{field_name}) like ?", "%#{param}%") if rigor == 'soft' 在您的情况下, where("lower(#{field_name}) like ?", "%#{param}%") if rigor == 'soft'

which returns nil if rigor is not 'soft'. 如果rigor不是“ soft”,则返回nil。 So adding a return should doing what you want: 因此,增加回报应该做您想要的:

 def self.matches(field_name, param, rigor = 'exact')
    return where("lower(#{field_name}) like ?", "#{param}") if rigor == 'exact'
    where("lower(#{field_name}) like ?", "%#{param}%") if rigor == 'soft'

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