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[英]bash script to enter array quantity and fill array data

Today I thought I would write a small bash script to create DB tables on a SQL database.今天我想我会写一个小的 bash 脚本来在 SQL 数据库上创建数据库表。 What I thought would be quick turned out differently.我以为很快就会变成不同的。 Anyway I'm at a mental block and need advice.无论如何,我处于精神障碍,需要建议。 What I was want to do in the end is have the user enter the amount of columns in the table, then specify the column label and data type for the amount they entered to begin with.我最终想要做的是让用户输入表中的列数,然后为他们开始输入的数量指定列标签和数据类型。 Then I'll take the array elements to assemble my SQL server command.然后我将使用数组元素来组装我的 SQL 服务器命令。 It seemed rather obvious to me at first but not so much anymore.起初对我来说似乎很明显,但不再那么明显了。 Any help is appreciated!任何帮助表示赞赏!

I was going to do something like...我要做类似...

    echo  "Enter database name: "
    read dbname
    echo  "Enter table name: "
    read tablename
    echo  "Enter column count: "
    read columns
    echo  "Enter database username: "
    read dbuser
    echo  "Enter database user password: "
    read dbpw

for i in ${columns[@]} do
     echo "Column "$i" Name: "
     read array_cname[$i]
     echo "Column "$i" Data Type: "
     read array_ctype[$i]

    table="USE $dbname CREATE TABLE $tablename(array_cname[] array_ctype[] etc etc etc)"
    mysql -u$dbuser -p$dbpw -e "$table"

The above is obviously a broken script, I just whipped it up after having cannibalized what I originally had going.上面显然是一个损坏的脚本,我只是在蚕食了我最初要做的事情后才把它搅起来。

I'm just going to look at the part that you're struggling with - looping over the columns - and you should be able to take these lessons back to your script.我将只查看您正在努力解决的部分 - 遍历列 - 您应该能够将这些课程带回到您的脚本中。

This is what I wrote, omitting the easy bits you've done, and setting columns to 2, to save typing whilst I tested.这就是我写的,省略了你所做的简单部分,并将columns设置为 2,以在我测试时节省输入。



declare -a cols

for ((i=1; i<=$columns; i++))
    read -p "Column $i Name: " n
    read -p "Column $i Data Type: " t
    cols[$i]="$n $t"

echo "CREATE TABLE t (${cols[*]} etc etc etc)"


  • I use declare to ensure that our array variable is of the correct type.我使用declare来确保我们的数组变量是正确的类型。 Bash will infer it's an array when we first assign to an element, but I like to be clear.当我们第一次分配给一个元素时,Bash 会推断它是一个数组,但我想说清楚。
  • To enumerate the integers from 1 to $columns , I use a Bash for loop.为了枚举从1$columns的整数,我使用了 Bash for循环。
  • You were missing the semicolon or newline between for and do .您缺少fordo之间的分号或换行符。
  • Instead of trying to read directly into array elements, I read into two temporaries: n for name and t for type.我没有尝试直接读入数组元素,而是读入了两个临时变量: n表示名称, t表示类型。 I also use -p to make read emit the prompt for us.我还使用-p使read为我们发出提示。
  • I don't use two separate arrays for name and type, because Bash doesn't provide a simple way to interleave the values.我不使用两个单独的数组作为名称和类型,因为 Bash 没有提供一种简单的方法来交错这些值。 Instead, I put name and type into a single array element.相反,我将 name 和 type 放入单个数组元素中。 I could put them into separate elements if needed, with cols+=("$n" "$t") .如果需要,我可以将它们放入单独的元素中,使用cols+=("$n" "$t")
  • To expand all elements of the array in a substitution, I use ${cols[*]} .为了在替换中扩展数组的所有元素,我使用${cols[*]}
  • I haven't done any validation on the input;我没有对输入做任何验证; I'm assuming this script is a convenience for your own use, rather than a robust tool to share.我假设这个脚本方便您自己使用,而不是一个强大的共享工具。

Test result测试结果

$ ./36337995.sh
Column 1 Name: a
Column 1 Data Type: int
Column 2 Name: b
Column 2 Data Type: int
CREATE TABLE t (a int b int etc etc etc)

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