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[英]jQuery - Code to check if any of the fields are not empty, and then make all of them required

I am a PHP developer and new to jQuery, I just wrote a few lines of code before and it was all from online sources. 我是PHP开发人员,并且是jQuery的新手,我之前只写了几行代码,而这些都是来自在线资源。 Anyways, I have these three inputs in html: 无论如何,我在html中有以下三个输入:

<input type="password" name="old-password" id="old-password">
<input type="password" name="new-password" id="new-password">
<input type="password" name="confirm-new-password" id="confirm-new-password">
<button type="submit" id="save" class="button button-primary">Save Changes</button>

I have a full page of settings and these three fields are for passwords, but I want to make them required only if the user enters any data into any of the inputs. 我有一整页的设置,这三个字段用于输入密码,但是我只想在用户将任何数据输入到任何输入中时才要求输入密码。

Example: A user types in old password input, all 3 inputs gets required real-time. 示例:用户输入旧密码输入,所有3个输入均实时获取。 Or a user types in confirm new password input, all 3 inputs gets required as well. 或者用户输入确认新密码输入,则还需要全部3个输入。

Thank you for the help. 感谢您的帮助。

Solution: The answers were all great and thank you everyone for the help. 解决方案:答案都很好,谢谢大家的帮助。 Another problem came up, is that if someone tries to backspace and remove the text on the form, it still stays required. 出现另一个问题是,如果有人尝试退格并删除表单上的文本,它仍然保持必需状态。 I came up with a solution with the help of all the answers. 在所有答案的帮助下,我想出了一个解决方案。

You have to add a .password class to all the wanted inputs, and then put this in script tags: 您必须将.password类添加到所有所需的输入中,然后将其放入脚本标签中:

    $('.password').on('keyup keydown keypress change paste', function() {
        if ($(this).val() == '') {
            $('#old-password').removeAttr('required', '');
            $('#new-password').removeAttr('required', '');
            $('#confirm-new-password').removeAttr('required', '');
        } else {
            $('#old-password').attr('required', '');
            $('#new-password').attr('required', '');
            $('#confirm-new-password').attr('required', '');

Use .attr() on the oninput event. oninput事件上使用.attr()

ie something like this: 即是这样的:

function makeRequired(){

And then bind it to oninput either in your HTML or in JS. 然后将其绑定到HTML或JS中的oninput

Using your condition 使用您的条件

if the user enters any data into any of the inputs. 如果用户在任何输入中输入任何数据。

You could write this event 你可以写这个活动

$("body").on("input", "#confirm-new-password,#new-password,#old-password", function()
    $("#confirm-new-password").attr('required', 'required');
    $("#new-password").attr('required', 'required');
    $("#old-password").attr('required', 'required');
if ($("#old-password").val() != "" ||
    $("#new-password").val() != "" ||       
    $("#confirm-new-password").val() != "") {   

well, I extremly recommend to use a library like Jquery validate jqueryValidate 好吧,我极力推荐使用像Jquery一样的库validate jqueryValidate

But, if you don't want to use, you can try this: 但是,如果您不想使用,可以尝试以下操作:

       <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <input type="password" name="old-password" id="old-password" class="passwordToCheck">
    <input type="password" name="new-password" id="new-password" class="passwordToCheck">
    <input type="password" name="confirm-new-password" id="confirm-new-password" class="passwordToCheck">
    <button type="submit" id="save" class="button button-primary">Save Changes</button>
        passInput = $(this);
      if(passInput.val().trim() != ""){
      } else {

      if($(".required").length >0){
        alert("fill the fields!");
      } else {

adding a class to your password-type inputs, and working with required class ( you can change this easily by the required attr if you don't want to work with class required. 将一个类添加到您的密码类型输入中,然后使用必需的类(如果您不想使用必需的类,可以通过必需的attr轻松更改此类。

here is the fiddle: 这是小提琴:

jsfiddle jsfiddle

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