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reinterpret_cast是否安全 <bool*> 归零记忆?

[英]Is it safe to reinterpret_cast<bool*> zeroed out memory?

Context: 语境:

I have a chunk of memory that's shared between two processes via shm_open . 我有一块内存,通过shm_open在两个进程之间共享。 I am guaranteed that after ftruncate ing and mmap ing it, the whole chunk has the bit pattern 00000... . 我保证在ftruncatemmap之后,整个块的位模式为00000... I need to share a boolean value across the two processes. 我需要在两个进程之间共享一个布尔值。

A more concrete question: 一个更具体的问题:

Is the following guaranteed to be okay (the assertion doesn't fail and UB does not occur) on reasonable POSIX systems? 在合理的POSIX系统上,以下保证是否正常(断言不会失败并且UB不会发生)?

void *my_shared_memory_region = calloc(1024, 1);
bool *my_bool = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(my_shared_memory_region);
assert(*my_bool == false);

I believe that there are some restrictions on the actual values that can live inside of a bool , so I'm not sure. 我相信对于一个可以存在于bool的实际值有一些限制,所以我不确定。 I think this question is distinct from this one because reinterpret_cast doesn't do the same kind of conversions that C-style casts do. 我觉得这个问题是来自不同的这一个 ,因为reinterpret_cast并不尽同一种转换的是C-风格的转换做。

The core issue - even if the memory's all zeros, is it valid to read from it as if from a properly initialised bool - is the same as for this question . 核心问题 - 即使内存全为零,从正确初始化的bool读取它是有效的 - 与此问题相同。

Long story short: it's undefined behaviour that works on common systems but isn't guaranteed portable. 长话短说:它是未定义的行为 ,适用于常见系统但不保证可移植。 Specific implementations are allowed to document behaviour for cases the Standard leaves undefined, so it's worth doing some research for the specific platforms/compilers you care about. 允许特定实现来记录标准版未定义的情况下的行为,因此值得对您关心的特定平台/编译器进行一些研究。

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