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Heroku 权限被拒绝 @ rb_sysopen

[英]Heroku Permission denied @ rb_sysopen

I was following the starter guide on the Heroku website, I installed the Heroku Toolbet.我按照 Heroku 网站上的入门指南安装了 Heroku Toolbet。 Then whichever heroku command I run I always get the same error.然后无论我运行哪个heroku命令,我总是得到相同的错误。

Heroku client internal error.
Permission denied @ rb_sysopen - C:\Users\{{UserName}}\AppData\Local/heroku/heroku-cli.exe
C:/Program Files (x86)/Heroku/lib/heroku/jsplugin.rb:140:in `initialize'
C:/Program Files (x86)/Heroku/lib/heroku/jsplugin.rb:140:in `open'
C:/Program Files (x86)/Heroku/lib/heroku/jsplugin.rb:140:in `setup'
C:/Program Files (x86)/Heroku/lib/heroku/cli.rb:27:in `start'
C:/Program Files (x86)/Heroku/bin/heroku:29:in `<main>'

I tried uninstalling everything and installing as admin, also running the cmd as admin but nothing worked so far.我尝试卸载所有内容并以管理员身份安装,也以管理员身份运行 cmd,但到目前为止没有任何效果。 I researched around but could not find a solution.我四处研究,但找不到解决方案。

The first thing to appear on the cmd when I type any heroku command is当我输入任何heroku命令时,cmd 上出现的第一件事是

heroku-cli: Installing Toolbelt v4... ! Heroku client internal error.

If you need any additional info let me know.如果您需要任何其他信息,请告诉我。 I really have no idea how to proceed in order to fix this.我真的不知道如何进行以解决此问题。

I ended up finding what was going on.我最终找到了发生了什么。 Inside the folder mentioned in the error message I could not find the 'heroku-cli.exe' file.在错误消息中提到的文件夹中,我找不到“heroku-cli.exe”文件。 So something must have blocked it from even being copied there.所以一定有什么东西阻止了它甚至被复制到那里。 I checked my Antivirus and found out that it was blocking heroku from installing in that folder, I created an exception (I am using BitDefender) so that it would allow writing in that path and now everything works great!我检查了我的防病毒软件,发现它阻止了 heroku 在该文件夹中的安装,我创建了一个异常(我正在使用 BitDefender),以便它允许在该路径中写入,现在一切正常!

So I would recommend checking your antivirus report if you face the same issue.因此,如果您遇到同样的问题,我建议您检查您的防病毒报告。

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