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Mapbox iOS SDK 3.1 如何使注释标注具有粘性

[英]Mapbox iOS SDK 3.1 How to make Annotation Callout sticky

i just started developing in iOS.我刚开始在 iOS 中开发。 So sorry if the problem seems to be trivial:如果问题似乎微不足道,那么抱歉:

I load several markers / annotations via SwiftyJSON from an API and display those on a Mapbox MapView.我通过 API 中的 SwiftyJSON 加载了几个标记/注释,并将它们显示在 Mapbox MapView 上。 When clicking on the annotation the callout is triggered.单击注释时,会触发标注。 - this works fine and easy as hell. - 这工作得很好,很容易。 The Problem: I'd like to center the mapView on the marker / annotation and callout, or move the camera to show them in the center, zoomed in. Whenever I use something like this:问题:我想将 mapView 放在标记/注释和标注上,或者移动相机以将它们显示在中心,放大。每当我使用这样的东西时:

    let camera = MGLMapCamera(lookingAtCenterCoordinate: annotation.coordinate, fromDistance: 1000, pitch: 0, heading: 0)
    mapView.setCamera(camera, withDuration: 2, animationTimingFunction: CAMediaTimingFunction(name: kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseInEaseOut))


    mapView.setCenterCoordinate(annotation.coordinate, zoomLevel: 15, animated: true)

The callout just stays in the same position.标注只是保持在相同的位置。 What I would like to achieve is, that it's displayed sticky on top of the annotation / marker.我想要实现的是,它在注释/标记的顶部显示粘性。

This is my complete code for this part (building of the annotations in viewdidload not included:这是我这部分的完整代码(不包括在 viewdidload 中构建注释:

func mapView(mapView: MGLMapView, imageForAnnotation annotation: MGLAnnotation) -> MGLAnnotationImage? {
    var annotationImage = mapView.dequeueReusableAnnotationImageWithIdentifier("marker_live")

    if annotationImage == nil {
        // Leaning Tower of Pisa by Stefan Spieler from the Noun Project
        var image = UIImage(named: "marker_live")!
        image = image.imageWithAlignmentRectInsets(UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 0, image.size.height/2, 0))

        annotationImage = MGLAnnotationImage(image: image, reuseIdentifier: "marker_live")

    return annotationImage

func mapView(mapView: MGLMapView, annotationCanShowCallout annotation: MGLAnnotation) -> Bool {
    print("tap on annotation")
    mapView.selectAnnotation(annotation, animated: true)

    return true

func mapView(mapView: MGLMapView, calloutViewForAnnotation annotation: MGLAnnotation) -> UIView? {

    return CustomCalloutView(representedObject: annotation)


func mapView(mapView: MGLMapView, tapOnCalloutForAnnotation annotation: MGLAnnotation) {
    print("Tapped the callout for: \(annotation.title!)")
    self.performSegueWithIdentifier("PlaylistFromMap", sender: annotation.title!)
    mapView.deselectAnnotation(annotation, animated: true)

I also thought about using a completion handler, but didn't understood how it works.我也考虑过使用完成处理程序,但不明白它是如何工作的。 Help much appreciated!非常感谢帮助!

The position of a callout view currently cannot be updated after it has been displayed, but this is a feature we're looking to add in v3.3.0.当前标注​​视图的位置在显示后无法更新,但这我们希望在 v3.3.0 中添加的功能。

To open the callout after a setCamera: or setCoordinate: animation, use the variants of those methods that includes a completion handler and then selectAnnotation: there.要在setCamera:setCoordinate:动画之后打开标注,请使用包含完成处理程序的这些方法的变体,然后selectAnnotation:那里selectAnnotation:

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